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Alaimo, Stacey. (2016). “Your Shell on Acid: Material Immersion, Anthropocene Dissolves.” In Anthropocene Feminism (pp. 89–120). University of Minnesota Press. 

Blocker, Jane. (1999). Where is Ana Mendieta? Duke University Press. 

Brown, Iemanjá. (2020). “Dirt Eating in the Disaster.” In Timescales: Thinking across ecological temporalities (pp. 169–181). University of Minnesota Press.

Cameron, Fiona & Brett Neilson. (2017). Climate change and museum futures. Routledge. 

Chen, Mel Y. (2011). “Toxic animacies, inanimate affections.” GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, 17(2-3), 265–286. 

Cortez, Beatriz. (2020). “The Memory of Plants: Genetics, Migration, and the Construction of the Future.” In Timescales: Thinking across ecological temporalities (pp. 183–192). University of Minnesota Press. 

Duncan, Carol. (2005). Civilizing Rituals: Inside Public Art Museums (Re Visions: Critical Studies in the History and Theory of Art). Routledge.

Frazier, Chelsea M. (2016). “Troubling ecology: Wangechi Mutu, Octavia Butler, and Black Feminist Interventions in environmentalism.” Critical Ethnic Studies, 2(1), 40-72. 

Ghosh, Amitav. (2016). The Great Derangement: Climate Change and the Unthinkable. The University of Chicago Press.

Goeman, Mishuana R. (2017). “Ongoing Storms and Struggles: Gendered Violence and Resource Exploitation.” In Critically Sovereign: Indigenous Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies (pp. 99-126). Duke University Press.

Groom, Amelia. (2021). Beverly Buchanan: Marsh Ruins. Afterall Publishing. 

Grusin, Richard, ed. (2017). Anthropocene Feminism. University of Minnesota Press. 

Hyacinthe, Genevieve. (2019). Radical Virtuosity. MIT Press. 

Licona, Adela C. & Eva S. Hayward. (2016). “Trans~waters~ Coalitional thinking on art + environment.” 

Nash, Catherine. (1996). “Reclaiming vision: Looking at landscape and the body.Gender, Place, and Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography, 3(2), 149–170. 

Raicovich, Laura. (2021). Culture Strike. Verso Books. 

Stephens, Beth & Annie Sprinkle. (2014). “Ecosexualmanifesto. Here Come The Ecosexuals.”

Todd, Zoe. (2017). “Fish, kin and hope: Tending to water violations in amiskwaciwâskahikan and treaty six territory.”  Afterall: A Journal of Art, Context and Enquiry, 43, 102–107. 

Tsing, Anna L., Nils Bubandt, Elaine Gan, and Heather Swanson, eds. (2017). Arts of Living on a Damaged Planet: Ghosts and and Monsters of the Anthropocene. University of Minnesota Press.

Tuck, Eve. (2009). “Suspending damage: A letter to communities.” Harvard Educational Review, 79(3), 409–428. 

Vakoch, Douglas A., ed. (2022). Transecology: Transgender perspectives on environment and nature. Routledge. 

Wiggin, Bethany, Carolyn Fornoff, and Patricia Eunji Kim. (2020). “Introduction: Environmental Humanities across Times, Disciplines, and Research Practices.” In Timescales: Thinking across ecological temporalities (pp. vii-xxviii). University of Minnesota Press.