Julianne Mason

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Breath Soundscape (Audio Piece)

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Breath Soundscape is a stereo audio piece that is inspired by all of the different sounds we humans make with our breath alone. Many things can be communicated by breathing. While recording this piece, I started with a deep, calming breath that slowly gets lost in louder, more erratic, and expressive forms of breathing. It encapsulates intrusive thoughts, feelings of being overwhelmed, and many other emotions.

Julianne Mason

Julianne Mason is a Sound Artist, Sound Designer, and Singer who is excited to debut her first standalone sound art piece at Gallatin Arts Festival. Her love for Sound Design grew as an undergrad at Boston College, as she discovered it was a great way to synergize her music and theatre majors. Her professional work has included freelance theatrical productions as well as working as a content producer for Film, TV, and Advertising. She is Sound Designing her first Off-Broadway show Brilliance at The Players Theatre in early April. She currently lives in Hell’s Kitchen with her two black cats, Darth Maul and Drogon.