Four Corners Music Series: Aqua Ninjaz and The Vanaver Caravan
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
The Backyard, Washington Square Village
Aqua Ninjaz, Kim Clarke (Bass-Bandleader), Michael Flythe (Drums), Sue Kramer (Vocals), Deborah Knapper (Guitar), Yayoi Ikawa (Keyboards)
This tribute band led by iconic bassist Kim Clarke honors undersung heroes of jazz, funk and rhythm & blues including Jef Lee Johnson, George Duke and Donald Blackman.
The Vanaver Caravan, Bill Vanaver (Banjo), Joel Hanna (Percussion), Evan Stover (Violin), Mark Murphy (Bass) Toby Stover (Keyboard), Livia Vanaver (Caller)
The Vanaver Caravan has captivated audiences around the globe with their down-home, high-spirited performances juxtaposing rhythms and styles across cultures. Join us for an evening of Americana folk music and learn how to square dance in lines and groups. No experience required!
Four Corners Music is a new live music series featuring a wide range of musical styles and genres.
Images – Christian Motos