Author: Erin Donnelly

Thank You Essential Workers

 Thank You Essential Workers

If you did not get a chance to thank our essential workers for all their work during this critical time  please do! That being said, anytime to say thank you this is a good time. Please see our video tribute to faculty housing essential workers.

Other announcements:

With Phase 4 reopening planned soon, Pick of the Week will become Things to do in and around town and at home. 

For Washington Square Village residents, Harmonicas in Solidarity is now underway. No experience necessary. Harmonicas and lessons are provided. If you would like to participate, please complete this interest form. All residents are welcome to join in.

In the Community News section of this blog, you will find information about how Faculty Housing is responding to this rough patch with initiatives to keep our community strong.

Pick of the Week – Free things to do while you’re in: July 2020

Pick of the Week – Free things to do while you’re in: July 2020

With Phase 4 reopening planned, Pick of the Week will become Things to do in and around town and at home.

Week of July 13:

 9 Virtual Party Ideas to Turn Any Night Into a Celebration 

Thrillist has compiled a list of options of inside social gatherings like cocktail hours, karaoke night, game night, jam sessions and more!

Week of July 6:

 94 Fun Things You Can Do at Home, Anytime (And Often for Free)

Tips from Apartment Therapy including freshening up your decor, ideas for getting creative or making time for self-improvement like making a life goal list or coming up with a family or household statement of purpose. Let’s be honest, how many of us have ever even thought of that?

Make Music New York: Harmonicas in Solidarity in Washington Square Village

Harmonicas in Solidarity

Make Music New York: Harmonicas in Solidarity in Washington Square Village, New York University

On Sunday, June, 21, 2020, NYU Faculty Housing Happenings participates in Make Music New York, a free, citywide music-making celebration on the first day of summer. 

Harmonicas in Solidarity taking place in Washington Square Village, New York University is a participatory project with international reach that was initiated to unify and empower NYU’s residential community sheltered in their apartments during the current coronavirus outbreak.

Ongoing since May 2020, faculty housing residents led by Dr. David Schroeder, NYU Director of Jazz Studies, began practicing The Oceans, our anthem in solidarity for healthcare workers, police, fire fighters, EMS and everyone who keeps us safe, by watching the learn-to-play videos on the website.

On Sunday, June 21 just before the nightly applause for essential workers, participants will perform solo socially distanced on their balconies while Schroeder plays alone in Sasaki Garden located within the courtyard. Harmonicas in Solidarity continues weekly on Fridays at 6:55pm in Washington Square Village.

The project goal is to bring neighbors, families and friends together to play music in unison and make a resounding positive statement about being alone together to rise above these trying times.

Residents perform solo from their own home environment while adhering to New York’s social distancing and public safety COVID-19 Regulations and keeping a minimum distance of six feet from neighbors and passersby.

Anyone can participate in Harmonicas in Solidarity via the lessons on the project website and play along wherever you are located around the world.

Recommended by the Superblock Stewardship Advisory Committee, NYU Faculty Housing Happenings are generously supported by Provost Katherine E. Fleming. For more info, please visit the website.

When: Sunday, June 21, 2020, 6:55 pm to 7:00 pm

Where: Sasaki Garden is located within the Washington Square Village courtyard near 4 Washington Square Village, just north of Bleecker Street and west of Mercer Street. The one-and-a-half-acre modernist landscape was designed by Sasaki, Walker & Associates in 1958. It is considered one of the finest examples of a mid-20th century resident complex in New York City.

About the partners

Harmonicas in Solidarity is presented jointly at New York University by the Steinhardt Department of Music and Performing Arts Professions, External Affairs in Washington DC and the Office of Faculty Housing & Residential Services.

Photo credit: Christian Motos

Contact: Erin Donnelly, Community Liaison, NYU Faculty Housing & Residential Services,, 347-514-0317

If you are a Washington Square Village resident and would like to participate, please complete this interest form. All residents are welcome to join in. No experience necessary. Free harmonica and lessons provided.

Pick of the Week – Free things to do while you’re in: June 2020

Pick of the Week – Free things to do while you’re in: June 2020

Week of June 29:

Volunteers Needed: NYC Census 2020 Phonebank

Many New York City neighborhoods of color are under-represented in Congress because they are historically under-counted in the US Census. You can help remedy this disparity by joining an NYC Census phonebank. You will be provided training and call scripts for helping fellow New Yorkers access the Census. Visit NYC’s Census 2020 website for more information.

Please see the NYC Census phonebank schedule and NYC’s census 2020 website for more information.

Week of June 22:

 Take a virtual tour of the night sky and beyond!

Check the Amateur Astronomers Association of New York calendar for weekly Astrovis Livestream programming.

Week of June 15:

Angélique Kidjo Each weekend this summer, SummerStage Anywhere will be presenting exclusive digital performances that you can watch from anywhere including pop artist MAX, LAMC Latin Pride Celebration on June 13, Juneteenth Day of Dance on June 19 and global star Angélique Kidjo on June 26.

Following June, stay tuned for more one-of-a-kind digital content highlighting distinctly New York genres — hip hop, salsa, jazz, global, indie, contemporary dance.

Week of June 8:

_Keep Moving!

From our friends who have brought us our fun-filled Field Days, please visit the Asphalt Green blog for ideas for staying connected to activities that bring you joy. 

As you continue new routines, remember to take care of yourself—physically and mentally. Here you will find ways to be a part of the sports and fitness community from home.

Fun for Kids and Resources for Adults including home fitness ideas like the like the 20 Minute Core Workout and Socially Distanced Approved Activities to Kick Off Summer. 

Anti-Racism Resources are also available.

Also, Virtual Group Exercise Classes (Fee based)

Week of June 1:

NYT logoTo make the most of your time indoors, check the New York Times Event Hub calendar for a calendar of New York Times events, live at home.

Pick of the Week – Free things to do while you’re in: May 2020

Pick of the Week – Free things to do while you’re in: May 2020

Week of May 25: 

Brookfield Place At Home #BFPLatHome

Brookfield Place is back online with digital programming every day to bring BFPL to you. Here’s what to expect every week of #BFPLatHome:

  • Munchie Mondays
  • Trivia Tuesdays
  • Wellness Wednesdays
  • Friday Features
  • Saturday Morning Show
  • Self-Care Sundays

Detailed schedule below. You can access this online content on @BFPLNY’s Instagram page

Week of May 18:

Grown NYC logoDuring the coronavirus shutdown, GrowNYC‘s Education programs are providing weekly activities and lessons that can be accessed by children and adults from home.

Learn how to make tie-dye from natural dyes from food scraps, make pasta with Eataly, conduct virtual field trips and more!

Origami ladybugsThink you have to be outside to garden? Guess again. GrowNYC can help you make world’s best windowsill salad. We also know that our current circumstances dictate that we want to make food last as long as possible, we can help you with that.

Click here to sign up for updates from our education programs, including new distance learning resources.

Week of May 11:

Focus on Families

Third Street Trivia Night

(More) Music and Dance Trivia!

Friday, May 15, 7:00 pm

As part of the Third Street Music School Community Series, everyone is welcome for our next family-friendly music and dance trivia night! Create a team or take on the zoom room yourself for the chance to win music and dance trivia bragging rights! Featuring a Surprise Guest Host! More info and RSVP for Zoom link.

Fresh Made logo

Locally owned and operated Freshmade is offering Home Virtual Cooking Classes. Sign up here for family friendly classes for all ages (kids and adults). Freshman’s mission is to help kids develop a better relationship to food and cooking, encourage healthier eating and increase kids’ confidence, skills and joy in the kitchen. More info.

Fresh Made class

Wednesday, May 13: 2:00 pm Muff
in Tin Frittatas (FREE CLASS)

USP logo

Union Square Play Online brings play to families everywhere

One family activity, a one kids’ video, and one event for parents—brought to you online. Every. Single. Day.

To sign up for the daily newsletter, please visit for Virtual Birthday ideas, DIY  haircut tutorials and more.

USP baby

New Moms, New Tribe
Is isolation making you go stir crazy? We got you, mama. As the saying goes, it takes a village to raise a child. But at Union Square Play, it takes a tribe to get parents through that process.

Week of May 4:

New York At Home logoHome Office Heroes: New York Home

If you missed our New or Renew Your New York Living last fall, we want to let you know that Diane Lowy of New York Home also offers working from home tips including recommendations on small adjustments to enjoy your home office even more especially in this time when you may be managing how to best harmonize your work and home under one roof.

If you want help talking through a tricky space or issue you’re facing with your home, Diane is offering free 30-minute sessions. Please email for more information. You can also email her to sign up for regular newsletters or check out their websiteInstagram, and Pinterest.