VERSÃO EM PORTUGUÊS A one and a one The short films directed by Gabriel Martins show a multi-faceted pattern of confrontation and negotiation between the director’s gaze and the conventions of different genres and modes of practice: the essay film (the wonderful Amazing World Remix, 2014), the multiplot gangster film (The Inside, 2010, co-directed with […]
The Two Irenes (As Duas Irenes, 2017), Fabio Meira
VERSÃO EM PORTUGUÊS Tonight there will be a screening of the excellent The Two Irenes, by Fabio Meira, at the Anthology Film Archives. The film screens at 7:15pm, as part of a series put together by Cinema Tropical, titled If You Can Screen it There: Premiering Contemporary Latin American Cinema. After the screening, I will be taking with director […]
Holy Tremor (Terremoto Santo, 2018), Bárbara Wagner & Benjamin de Burca
VERSÃO EM PORTUGUÊS | The artificial divine | One of the most striking set compositions in Holy Tremor – a short video by the Brazilian-German duo Barbara Wagner and Benjamin de Burca recently featured in the program LGBTQ Brazil, curated by Ela Bittencourt for the Museum of the Moving Image – shows a landscape of […]
New article at Aniki
VERSÃO EM PORTUGUÊS The Portuguese journal Aniki – Revista Portuguesa da Imagem em Movimento has a new issue out with a special selection of articles about Brazilian cinema in the neoliberal age. Edited by Lúcia Nagib, Ramayana Lira de Sousa, and Alessandra Soares Brandão, Brazilian cinema in the neoliberal age covers specific topics concerning the […]
The Limits of Control
VERSÃO EM PORTUGUÊS Jacques Demy’s The Umbrellas of Cherbourg (Les Parapluies de Cherbourg, 1964) is known primarily for two structural elements: the relentlessness of Michel Legrand’s music score, which literally turns every single bit of a dialogue into song; and the striking use of color, which treats every surface on set as canvas to express […]
Displacing Identity II
VERSÃO EM PORTUGUÊS In Claire’s Camera (2017), Hong Sang-soo’s talent for creating small moments of beauty and sustaining a productive friction between what’s in front of the camera and the off-screen space creates a manifold experience that is frequently pushing the spectator out of the film in order to bring them back in with a […]
Mix #04
Mix #04 – There Are Some Things I Just Can’t Tell You About, Honey ABSTRACT: Of placing, displacing, and replacing voices. 01. Panda Bear – Tropic of Cancer 02. Ana Moura – Desfado 03. Vashti Bunyan – Some Things Just Stick In Your Mind 04. Jlin – Black Origami 05. tUnE-yArDs – Colonizer 06. Workers […]
Displacing Identity I
VERSÃO EM PORTUGUÊS The crossroad between the cinema and the gallery space is one of complementarity and dissent. At the same time that moving image works made for the museum are in many ways a refusal of cinema – sometimes, a refusal of the very apparatus: the dark room, the hidden projector, the rows of […]
Western (2017), Valeska Grisebach
VERSÃO EM PORTUGUÊS The conquest of the West If seen as a piece of drama, Western, by Valeska Grisebach, either offers too many entry points or not enough. There’s the beauty of the landscape, the muted naturalism of the non-professional actors, the precision of the cinematography, the allusion to geopolitical conflicts, and even a hint […]
What Now?
On February 23 and 24, NYU will be hosting its annual Cinema Studies Student Conference. As part of the first year PhD cohort, I’ve had the pleasure of helping put this together, alongside fellow first-year students in the PhD, MIAP, MA, and undergraduate programs at the department. The theme of the conference this year is […]