Shadi Jafari
Post-Doctoral Fellow
(212) 992-9529
2001. Azad University of Tehran. MD.
2009. Linkoping University. M.Sc.
2015. Linkoping University. PhD.
My current research focuses on the development and function of a recently found neuron type in the Drosophila optic lobe. Despite the large number of neurons of this type that are produced during larval stages, they all die just before eclosion. By studying this cell type, I found that these neurons originate from the tip of OPC and their axons enfold but do not penetrate the medulla and lobula neuropils. Exploring the transcriptomics of this cell type, I found several markers that allowed me to use cell specific drivers to explore its development and, more importantly, its role in the developing fly optic lobe.
I am also working on a second project regarding the similarities and differences of olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) in ants and flies. Together with a former postdoc of the lab (Hua Yan), I performed bulk mRNA sequencing experiments at different developmental stages of ants and flies olfactory systems. We are trying to find the extent of the dependence of olfactory sensory neurons development and maintenance to the activity of these neurons. More specifically, I am trying to understand what role Orco (the common co-receptor to all olfactory receptor proteins, and the only conserved olfactory receptor in insects) plays in development and survival of OSNs in two very distinct insect species.