Call for Papers

10 years CTS: Reflections on the road less travelled and the journey ahead

26-30 June 2015CTS

Hotel Ambasador

Opatija, Croatia

Keynote speakers:

  • Anna Pollock (Travel Conscious)
  • Marina Novelli (University of Brighton)
  • Pegi Vail (New York University)
  • Nigel Morgan, Annette Pritchard and Irena Ateljevic (CTS founders)

We welcome papers and offers to lead interactive workshops on the following themes:

 Critical action in the classroom

  • Critical pedagogies in tourism, hospitality and events education
  • Envisioning the future of tourism, hospitality and events education
  • Fostering critical and socially active attitudes in students

Tourism and its potential as a social force

  • Social justice, exclusion and social inequality
  • ‘Worldmaking’ and the transformation of places and cultures
  • Empowerment, developing sustainable communities and creative / social entrepreneurship
  • Postcolonial readings of tourism
  • Tourism and its relation to gender, class, race, sexuality, ethnicity and disability

Critical tourism research practices

  • Innovative and critical research methods
  • Positionality and the emotional dynamics of research
  • Academic freedom

Critical scholarship in action

  • The relationship between academia and activism
  • Impacts of and empowerment through critical research
  • Public evaluation and dissemination of critical research

All abstracts should be written in English and must not exceed 300 words in length. Abstracts should be sent to and must include: author(s), affiliation(s), a summary of the research aims, approach and key arguments/findings.

Key dates

Abstract deadline: 15th February 2015.

Full papers (5000 words) and working papers (2000 words) for online, refereed, free- access conference proceedings: April 1st 2015. Full and working papers should be submitted electronically to Style for papers: Arial 11, double spaced, reference in Harvard style.

Contact the conference conveners:

Dr Lynn Minnaert –

Dr Senija Causevic –

Professor Nigel Morgan –

Professor Annette Pritchard –

Dr Irena Ateljevic –

Professor Dora Smolčić Jurdana –