The NYU Center for Mind, Brain and Consciousness is co-sponsoring a talk:

Investigating Nonhuman Consciousness

Wednesday, December 7th, 12:00-1:30pm


This talk is organized by NYU’s Mind, Ethics, and Policy program, who are also organising a satellite workshop at the ASSC on animal and AI consciousness (details here). 

The recording of this talk can be watched in YouTube here.

Speakers: Jonathan Birch and Susan Schneider

Humans make many decisions that affect nonhumans without always knowing whether these nonhumans are conscious. Is there a test for nonhuman consciousness that can be useful for impact assessments and policy decisions despite the limitations on our knowledge about other minds? In this panel, Jonathan Birch will present his proposed strategy for investigating invertebrate consciousness and Susan Schneider will present her proposed test for AI consciousness. Birch and Schneider will then discuss the pros and cons of these tests, as well as the similarities and differences between testing for consciousness in these different nonhuman populations.

This talk is also co-sponsored by NYU’s Animal Studies department and Center for Bioethics