November 17-18, 2017: Conference, “Animal Consciousness
Co-sponsored with the NYU Center for Bioethics and NYU Animal Studies


October 5, 2017: Debate, “Does AI Need More Innate Machinery?

Yann LeCun (Data Science, NYU; Facebook Artificial Intelligence Research)
Gary Marcus (Psychology, NYU; Founder, Geometric Intelligence)

Thursday, October 5, 5:00 – 7:00 pm
Tishman Auditorium, NYU School of Law

April 17, 2017: Debate, “Is There Unconscious Perception?


Ned Block (NYU, Philosophy)
Marisa Carrasco (NYU, Psychology)
Hakwan Lau (UCLA, Psychology)
Megan Peters (UCLA, Psychology)
Ian Phillips (Oxford, Philosophy)

Monday, April 17th, 5:00-7:00pm
Silver Center (31 Washington Place), Jurow Hall.