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Emerging Scholars Workshop

This is the first ever Emerging Scholars Workshop of the semester! The Emerging Scholars Workshop is a program sponsored by the Colombian Studies Initiative in collaboration with NYU CLACS that offers Masters, Ph.D and advanced undergraduate students from a variety

Monumentos e historicidad: representaciones de la nación y disputas por el sentido del pasado en el espacio público colombiano

Fecha: Jueves 30 Septiembre (5-7pm) Moderador: Bastien Bosa Ponente: Sebastián Vargas (U. Rosario) Comentarista: Félix Manuel Burgos (NYU) Resumen: Durante los siglos XIX y XX, al igual que en otros países latinoamericanos, el monumento conmemorativo se convirtió en una importante

Afro-Descendants in Colombia: Anti-Racist Struggles and the Accomplishments and Limits of Multiculturalism

The CLACS Working Group on Racisms in Comparative Perspective presents, Afro-Descendants in Colombia: Anti-Racist Struggles and the Accomplishments and Limits of Multiculturalism, with Carlos Rosero, Eliana Rosero, Harrison Cuero, Charlie R. Hale , Amanda Hurtado. Moderated by Pamela Calla (CLACS-NYU). This event

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