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Drugs, Ethnic Profiling and The American Perception of Colombian Immigrants 1979-1990

We will be discussing the paper titled, “Drugs, Ethnic Profiling and The American Perception of Colombian Immigrants 1979-1990” presented by Northwestern University student, Laurisa Sastoque. Presenting: Laurisa Sastoque, B.A, History and Creative Writing at Northwestern University Discussant: Irvin Ibarguen, Assistant

Writing Workshop: Escaping From Casa Arana

KJCC 53 Washington Square S, New York, United States

Join the first Colombian Studies Group Writing Workshop hosted at NYU. For more information, email

Relaciones internacionales desde la mirada indígena

Jurow Hall (Room 101A), Silver Center, 100 Washington Square E 100 Washington Square East New York, NY 10003 100 Washington Square East, New York, NY, United States

Leonor Zalabata, líderesa del pueblo Arhuaco de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta y defensora de derechos humanos, fue nombrada Embajadora de Colombia ante las Naciones Unidas. En este evento, la Embajadora Zalabata reflexionará sobre su trayectoria como líderesa, los cambios

Tourism and the Commodification of Blackness in the Colombian Caribbean during the Twentieth Century

Speaker: Orlando Deavila Pertuz, Assistant Professor, International Institute of Caribbean Studies, Universidad de Cartagena, Colombia Following the mid-twentieth century, Cartagena sought to become an international tourist destination. At first, national and local authorities rebranded Cartagena as a Spanish city frozen

Aún No Están Libres

Terraza 7 4019 Gleane St, Elmhurst, NY, United States

Evento para recaudar fondos para la defensa legal de lxs presxs politicxs del paro nacional.

Science for All – Tales of the Colombian Diaspora

La Guardia Community College 31-10 Thomson Avenue, Long Island City, United States

This photographic exhibition "Science for all: tales of the Colombian scientific diaspora" in which features Fotografía Social Colaborativa and the territories of Science Clubs Colombia. This exhibition has select works of Colombian photographer, Daniel Lopez with rural communities that have

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