#dayofdh2020 Virtual Meetup!

DayofDH will be celebrated again this year on Wednesday, 29 April. DayofDH is a global event when people working on topics in digital humanities share on social media (especially Twitter) the kinds of work they are doing. In order to bring together the community that was established during the first Winter Institute in Digital Humanities, as well as meet others engaged in this type of work, we are hosting a virtual reunion. We’ll use this occasion to reach out to each other, to reflect on our professional lives in this moment and to have a chance to connect. 

Since the 29th of April is already full of multiple events (the 3rd Islamicate Digital Humanities Network conference, the How to Do Stuff with Maps event), we will meet on the 28th instead.
We will have our #dayofdh2020 get together on 28 April at 1500-1600 (Abu Dhabi time), that is, 700-800 (New York) | 1300-1400 (Berlin/Cairo) | 1900-2000 (Shanghai).
It will be informal via an unrecorded, camera-optional Zoom meeting with a password. We’ll have a few people give lightning talks about what they have been up to in their home environment, have some discussion in breakout rooms around topics of community interest and then share back what the groups talked about before we wish each other a Ramadan Kareem and say goodbye.
If you are interested in joining us for our #dayofdh2020 get together, follow this link to RSVP (https://forms.gle/zisvfSbBemVa2WLP6). Log in information will follow via email. Registration will close at 1800 on 27 April in order to manage the breakout room registrations. 
If you are on twitter and you would like to share your experience during our virtual DayofDH or something from your own DH practice, you can use the hashtag #dayofdh2020. Questions can be directed to Beth Russell (beth.russell@nyu.edu) or David Wrisley (david.wrisley@nyu.edu). To join our digital humanities community, consider joining our DH mailing list by sending a message to nyuad.dh@nyu.edu.

1445: Zoom call opens
1500: Opening comments
1508-1520: Lightening talks
1520-1540: Breakout sessions
1540-1555: Sharing back
1555-1600: “thni2at Ramadan” (Ramadan greetings) and end of program

Lightening talks:

Name Institution Talk
Sarah Laursen Middlebury College (USA) “The Museum is Open: DIY VR Tours”
Wajahat Mirza
NYUAD (UAE) “Piloting the “Abu Dhabi Calling!” Project”
Bushra Jawal Forman Christian College (Pakistan) “Creating an OCR pipeline for Urdu”
Lauren Kata NYUAD (UAE) “Opportunities of the “Remote” for NYUAD oral history collections”

Breakout session topics and facilitators:

Topic Discussion facilitator
Taking digital humanities back to my home institution Carol Chiodo (Harvard U, USA)
Privacy issues in the time of COVID19 Aaron Mauro (Brock U, Canada)
Teamwork and social distance Gustavo Riva (Heidelberg U, Germany)
Challenges/opportunities of the remote classroom Lauren Tilton (U Richmond, USA)
Recent work in OCR/HTR Till Grallert (Orient Institut Beirut)
Minimal computing Sean Pue (Michigan State U, USA)