WIDH Virtual Meetup: July 15, 2020, 1600/4PM (Abu Dhabi time)

After a successful reunion for #dayofdh2020 of the participants of the NYU Abu Dhabi Winter Institute in Digital Humanities, we have planned another meetup.

Date: Wednesday, 15 July 2020
Time: 1600/4pm (Abu Dhabi time)

You can find blog posts about #dayofdh2020 here :

Since we will probably all be on summer break, we thought we would have this virtual meetup focus on sharing innovation that we can take back to the workplace in the Fall.

The concept of this meetup will be to have short 7 minute presentations on digital skills useful in your research or ideas for new assignments that could be useful in the classroom, in research or at the workplace . Each “tip talk” will be followed by 3 minutes of questions. There will be time for a general Q&A at the end of the program.

For the safety and comfort of the community, the meetup will be camera-optional, unrecorded and password-protected.

1545 Call opens
1600 Welcome and Introductions
1610-1620 Taylor Hixson (NYU Abu Dhabi) “How to Get OpenStreetMap Data from the Overpass API”
1620-1630 Jean-Christophe Peyssard (MMSH, Aix-Marseille University) “Tips for Archiving Web Pages for Citation”
1630-1640 Jared McCormick (NYU New York) “Modes of Remote Advising and Mentoring”
1640-1650 Victor Westrich (University of Mainz) “How to write the perfect commit message (in Git)”
1650 General Q&A
1715 Call ends

To register, please use this form. Once registered, we will email the Zoom details. 

Questions? Contact nyuad.dh@nyu.edu