National Archives joins Arabic Collections Online

We’ve had an exciting few weeks in the CDS working with Digital Content Manager, Melitte Buchman, from the New York campus and the National Archives here in Abu Dhabi.

Melitte, along with Rebecca from the CDS, spent several days at the National Archives training the team there on how to digitize the collection of books they have which will form a part of Arabic Collections Online

Using the Phase One industry standard camera and its accompanying Capture One Software, the team were trained on how to handle the books appropriately when photographing, using the correct camera settings, colour calibration and using the software in an efficient way to make the capture process as smooth as possible.

There are around 150 books in total that require digitizing, some with over 1000 pages, so having a system in place that is easily setup and working smoothly is key to this project.





Read here for further information about Arabic Collections Online.