Our first year: Reflecting on the past and looking ahead

The Center for Digital Scholarship (CDS) celebrates its first birthday this month! A year ago we opened our doors to NYUAD faculty and in doing so launched a new space and suite of services not previously available at the university. The CDS became the support hub for services such as NYU Classes, NYU Stream, video for teaching and research and data services. The CDS has hosted numerous workshops on topics ranging from Adobe Create Cloud applications to using tools such as ArcGIS, Qualtrics, NYU Web Publishing and Stata. We’ve become the home for two faculty projects, Akkasah and Imagine Science, serving as an incubator for the projects, both of which draw heavily upon library resources. We’ve partnered with our NYUAD Library colleagues to host copyright and intellectual property workshops for our post-docs in the Sciences and will feature a series of events in the spring that focus on best practices for scholars in preparing and presenting materials for their scholarship, whether for publication or for conference presentations.

Looking ahead, we hope to continue to work closely with faculty on their teaching and research needs while also partnering with disciplines across campus to develop innovative research projects. We will be forming a CDS advisory board comprised of faculty from across campus in hopes of hearing about your ‘blue sky’ wish list items for our space. What is it you would love to see in the CDS, whether it’s a specific tool or technology, or a particular skill set that will help you with your scholarship? If you’d like to be a part of that group, please let us know (nyuad.cds@nyu.edu)!