The CDS Workshop Series

During the fall semester, the CDS held a series of workshops related to digital tools and technologies. We scheduled sessions on a variety of topics, including data services tools such as Qualtrics, Stata and ArcGIS, introductory sessions on shooting video and using digital cameras and sessions geared toward using NYU hosted tools such as Google Apps for Ed and NYU Classes. For the spring semester, we will repeat our most popular sessions while also branching out into new tools and topics, including collaborations with the NYUAD librarians. Tools for managing research, such as Evernote and Mendeley, will be covered, as will overview of popular Adobe Creative Cloud applications such as Photoshop and InDesign.

While the CDS can always guess what it is people want us to cover, we would prefer to respond to specific demands from the NYUAD community. What is it that you want us to cover? What tools, applications and methodologies are you interested in using in your own scholarship? Leave us a comment in the field below!
