Recent Grants

Professor Joseph Chow

Title: EAGER/Collaborative Research: Enable elastic capacity for transportation infrastructure through a transmodal modular autonomous vehicle system

Funding Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF)

Title: NYSDOT T.A.#SR-20-02 — Statewide Mobility Services Program Strategic Procurement Planning

Funding Agency: NYS DOT

Title: Urban Microtransit Cross-sectional Study for Service Portfolio Design

Funding Agency: C2SMART

Title: Synthesis of real time public transit route deviation operational policies

Funding Agency: Federal Transit Administration

Title: Simulation and analytical evaluation of bus redesign alternatives in transit deserts with ride-hail presence

Funding Agency: C2SMART

Title: Development and tech transfer of multi-agent virtual simulation test bed ecosystem

Funding Agency: C2SMART

Title: Dual Rebalancing Strategies for Electric Vehicle Carsharing Operations

Funding Agency: C2SMART

Title: City-scalable Destination Recommender System for On-demand Senior Mobility

Funding Agency: C2SMART

Title: Development of an open source multi-agent virtual simulation test bed for evaluating emerging transportation technologies and policies

Funding Agency: C2SMART

Title: CAREER: Urban Transport Network Design with Privacy-Aware Agent Learning

Funding Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF)

Title: Stable Matching of Service Tours to Design Cooperative Policies for Transportation Infrastructure Systems

Funding Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF)

Title: Development of mobile device-based surrogate systems for connected and autonomous vehicle technologies (PI)

Funding Agency: Ontario Centres of Excellence and NSERC