Commodity demand in NYC

This data set was estimated for the year 2019 using a number of data sets as described in the following C2SMART Report:

Davis III, H., Landes, H., Chow, J., et al. (2023). Quantifying and visualizing city truck route network efficiency using a virtual test bed (USDOT Award No. 69A3551747124). C2SMART.

The “Freight Trip Generations” follow a methodology discussed in the NCFRP Report 37 with some modifications to map establishments to census tracts and aggregated zones. The data was validated against a real-world application conducted by the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, which studied the FTG trends at the borough level in New York City. We found it to be similar to our findings. This was part of a Year 5 C2SMART project.