Category Archives: Prizes and Awards

Culture and Media Alumni Win Awards

Congrats to Culture & Media Program alumna Rowena Potts! Her new short documentary THEY COME HOME will have its North American Premiere at the upcoming Big Sky Documentary Film Festival!
Also, congratulations to Culture & Media Program alumna Devin Thomas. Her C&M film Thiaroye by the Sea will be having its West Coast premier as part of the NewFilmmakers Los Angeles Monthly Film Festival on February 24th.

Linguistic Rivalries Receives Edward Sapir Honorable Mention

Congratulations to Sonia Das, whose monograph Linguistic Rivalries: Tamil Migrants and Anglo-Franco Conflicts (Oxford University Press 2016) was awared the Edward Sapir Book Prize Honorable Mention at this year’s American Anthropological Association conference. For more information about Sonia’s research, please check out her faculty profile.

DACA-mented, Undocumented, and Temporary Protected Status Students and Allies

Without congressional action, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program will expire on March 5, 2018.  We do not know what the results of congressional debate will be for DACA or how these will influence other immigration issues and statuses.  The Anthropology Department’s goal is to support you during this uncertain time NYU will continue to support undocumented students, staff and faculty. If you are or someone close to you is undocumented or have DACA or temporary protected status, please know that there are many things you can do before March.  The following link provides practical steps you can take as well as connections to NYU immigrant defense initiative which can help with legal advice and referrals ( NYU provides additional information and resources for students here.  We want to remind you during these disconcerting times that you are a valued member of our community.

Fred Myers and Desiree Baron Win 3rd Annual Miriam K. Chamberlain Award


Professor Fred Myers and Doctoral Student Desiree Baron have been awarded the 3rd annual Miriam K. Chamberlain award! The Miriam K. Chamberlain award is presented by the International Center for Research on Women, and goes to scholars who’s research “exemplify Mariam’s commitment to mentorship in support of women’s high-level scholarly achievement.”

You can read more about Desiree and Fred’s research, here.

Congratulations to Desiree and Fred!

2015-2016 Graduate Student Awards!

The Anthropology Department is thrilled to announce that several of our graduate students have received awards and fellowships for 2015-2016! Please see below for the complete list of winners.

Eugenia Kisin is recipient of the 2015-2016 Dean’s Outstanding Dissertation Award in the Social Sciences, which recognizes excellence in the preparation and completion of the Ph.D. dissertation.

Amy Field, Louis Romer and Eli Dollarhide have each been awarded the 2015-2016 Dean’s Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching Award in the Social Sciences, which recognizes outstanding teaching by graduate students.

Alex Decasien, Nathan Madson and Schuyler Marquez each received GSAS Predoctoral Summer Fellowships, which are awarded to outstanding doctoral students conducting preliminary dissertation research. The award enables students to visit research sites, such as archival resource facilities, laboratories, and fieldwork locations that will be useful for later dissertation research.

Vijayanka Nair has been awarded the GSAS Dean’s Dissertation Fellowship, which recognizes excellence and exceptional promise in the work of advanced graduate students who are writing their doctoral dissertations.

Sarah Riccardi has been awarded the GSAS Patricia Dunn Lehman Fellowship for summer research, which is given annually to an outstanding advanced doctoral student working toward a dissertation in the field of arts in American society.

Tyler Zoanni has been awarded the GSAS Elaine Brody Fellowship for the Humanities, which recognizes excellence and exceptional promise in the work of graduate students who are conducting doctoral dissertation research.