Category Archives: Anthropology in NYC

C&M films to screen at the 2017 Margaret Mead Film Festival

We’re thrilled to announce that all of the films completed in the Culture & Media Program’s most recent Video Production class have been selected to screen at the upcoming Margaret Mead Film Festival!
C&M films by Zeynep Sertbulut, Anisha Chadha, and Marcel Rosa-Salas will screen in the Emerging Visual Anthropologists Showcase on Saturday, 10/21 @ 11:30am.

And Sarah Riccardi-Swartz’s C&M film Pixelating Holiness will screen on Saturday, 10/21 @ 4:30pm (before the feature film Chomo).

Hope to see you there!

DACA-mented, Undocumented, and Temporary Protected Status Students and Allies

Without congressional action, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program will expire on March 5, 2018.  We do not know what the results of congressional debate will be for DACA or how these will influence other immigration issues and statuses.  The Anthropology Department’s goal is to support you during this uncertain time NYU will continue to support undocumented students, staff and faculty. If you are or someone close to you is undocumented or have DACA or temporary protected status, please know that there are many things you can do before March.  The following link provides practical steps you can take as well as connections to NYU immigrant defense initiative which can help with legal advice and referrals ( NYU provides additional information and resources for students here.  We want to remind you during these disconcerting times that you are a valued member of our community.

Anthropology in Color

The Department recently hosted, ‘Anthropology in Color’ an all day pipeline workshop sponsored by GSAS.  We received more than 40 applications and brought in 20 undergraduates from area schools as well as DC, CT, Texas and South Carolina.  The day featured a workshop and networking event on grad school, the application process, departmental research and more!  Thanks to all the Faculty, Staff and Students who participated.

Data Rescue Event a Massive Success

On Saturday, February 4th, 2017, several students from the Department led by Professor Jerome Whitington, participated in a Data Rescue event designed to archive and protect several websites on climate change, environmental data, and energy usage that could be threatened by our current Trump administration. Below is a statement from Professor Whitington detailing the success of the event:

“[The event] went off extremely well – about 160 people were involved, we archived a lot of federal websites and data especially from the Dept of Energy and Dept of Interior, and some other important work as well.It’s pretty heartening to see so many people engaged with environmental information and regulatory systems to such a degree of detail. Notably, we hosted a meeting among some key librarians around the country. It seems university librarians have been discussing a plan to systematically archive government data for about two decades, and some work has been done but there has never been a push to actually get it running. Due to the popular demand for this, there is now a movement for big libraries to create trusted data reserves linked in with their indexing systems. If this comes online it will be a very big win for us.”

The event was also covered extensively in the press. You can read articles about it here, here, here, and here.