Without congressional action, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program will expire on March 5, 2018. We do not know what the results of congressional debate will be for DACA or how these will influence other immigration issues and statuses. The Anthropology Department’s goal is to support you during this uncertain time. NYU will continue to support undocumented students, staff and faculty. If you are or someone close to you is undocumented or have DACA or temporary protected status, please know that there are many things you can do before March. The following link provides practical steps you can take as well as connections to NYU immigrant defense initiative which can help with legal advice and referrals (http://as.nyu.edu/anthropology/undergraduate/resources/daca-students.html). NYU provides additional information and resources for students here. We want to remind you during these disconcerting times that you are a valued member of our community.