
Welcome to the Acoustic Phonetics and Perception Lab!

Research in the Acoustic Phonetics and Perception Lab focuses on how children and adults process spoken language (both perception and production).

Speech is very different depending on many factors, such as who is talking (e.g., male versus female, native speaker versus nonnative speaker, which dialect) or how someone is talking (e.g., stuffy nose versus healthy, excited versus bored, teaching mode versus casual mode). Despite all of these differences, listeners are very good at figuring out what is being said. In our lab, we are interested in how we can improve spoken language processing. Many of our studies have shown that people who are familiar are easier to understand than people who are unfamiliar.

See us in NYU news.

If you are interested in working in the lab, please contact Susannah Levi.

Currently recruiting:

If you are interested in participating, please see the participate tab.

Lab Email Address: speechlab AT nyu  DOT edu


We are located at 665 Broadway, 9th floor.

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Land Acknowledgement: In deep recognition of Indigenous People, I acknowledge that New York University is located on the ancestral Lenape homelands and that New York City has the largest urban Native population in the United States. In addition to recognizing the enduring significance of these lands for Lenape nations, past and present, I further acknowledge the contributions of all Indigenous people and their continuing struggle to dismantle the ongoing legacies of settler colonialism.   

Our sincerest thanks to Isabella Gadinis for our logo design!