Welcome! We are always looking for people to help us with our studies. We are currently recruiting:
Children in 2nd grade (or summer before or after):
- Overview: We are interested in how children become familiar with a person’s voice and how familiarity with a voice helps their listening skills
- Qualifications: First language is English
- Time: 2 hours, scheduled in two 1-hour sessions
- Compensation: $20 in cash upon completion, t-shirt, small prizes, certificate
Children in elementary school:
- Overview: We are interested in how children say words and whether their speech changes based on who they are listening to
- Qualifications: First language is English
- Time: 1 hour
- Compensation: $20 in cash, t-shirt, small prizes, certificate
Adults 18-25:
- Overview: We have several studies where we ask people to read lists of words or sentences, or listen to speech and tell us something about what they hear. Please contact us to find out what projects are currently ongoing.
- Qualifications: First language is English
- Time: 1-2 hours
- Compensation: $20
Transgender individuals:
- Overview: We are interested in how gender is perceived from a person’s voice.
- Time: 3 hours (scheduled in two 1.5-hour sessions)
- Compensation: $40 upon completion
If you are interested in participating in any of these studies or for more information, please write us at speechlab AT nyu DOT edu