EquiArt Ensemble


Hero Photo: Clover’s Gallery Exhibition
Photo of the inside of Clover's Fine Art Gallery on the opening day of Artshare's gallery exhibition. Room is filled with visitors and artwork, including paintings, tactile pieces, and drawings which are hung up on all the walls.

Description of Project    

Our group is working with Artshare for Heartshare, a group that works with children and adults with intellectual disabilities. They partner with museums, local visual and performing arts organizations, as well as a teaching artist-in-residence program. Their artists and artisan participants are introduced to various techniques and creative disciplines across the visual and performing arts.

This semester, Artshare is holding its annual gallery exhibition for its artist participants and showcasing paintings and photographs that have been produced this year. We are working to create a website archive for Artshare along with a product page where people can buy the artists’ work during the gallery exhibition. We are also working to install their exhibitions at 2 MetroTech and Clover’s Gallery while creating accessible objects and layouts of the space. This includes a multisensory booklet with touch, smell, and sound objects along with a 2D map of the space that can be given out to people at the exhibition, and a 3D rendering of the space that will include the artwork so anyone can access the gallery via their website.  

Description of Project Team Name 

We consulted ChatGPT in creating our group name. Our prompt was, to create a name that reflected an artistic group that aimed to aid with accessibility and creativity. We then got a list of options, and we picked one that we all felt was suitable for our group. 


  • Group Members:  
    • Reshma Gowda*
    • Fuguo Xue
    • Yuning Gao
    • Kaitlyn Wang
    • Cassandra Mao 
  • Project Mentor(s): Elizabeth Pagedas and Will Green 
  • Meeting times: Wednesday 9:30 – 10:30 am


  • 2/13: Our first meeting! The project and team split into online and physical parts. 
    • Physical team- Reshma, Yuning, Fuguo
    • Online team – Kaitlyn, Cassandra, Fuguo
  • 3/6:
    • We came into the Heartshare office and took pictures of most of the artwork from past galleries and some art that will be displayed in this year’s gallery. 
      • We combined the archive pages into one page.
      • Added the artist’s name, the piece’s name, and a visual description in the alt text.
    • Met with Dan O’Sullivan to discuss the Clive Davis Gallery Opening
      • Dates, accessibility, digital screens 
  • 4/20
    • The website archive is being transferred to a product page.
    • The dimensions of Clover’s Gallery are measured out and we created a 2D and 3D map of the space. 
    • Accessible objects have been bought and we will be creating a few small booklets with touch, smell, and sound objects. 
  • 4/49
    • Gallery Installation
      • Helped Artshare folks bring artwork from the Artshare building to Clover’s Gallery. 
      • Unwrapped and unpacked all the artwork 
      • Added needed frames and wires to the canvases 
      • Helped hang artwork 
    • Website
      • We continued to add artwork that will be displayed at Clover’s Gallery with prices, names, and sizes. 
      • We wrote up a guide on how to edit and add things to the Squarespace
  • 5/1
    • Clover’s Gallery opening
      • Artists, families of artists, the Artshare community, and other supports came to see all the artwork, enjoy refreshments, and engage with the Artshare community.  
      • There was a homemade jewelry stand for purchase and visitors utilized the online shop that our group set up. 
    • Clive Davis Gallery
      • Completed the manual for gallery installation at Clive Davis, including contacts, technology use, and accessible ideations for future use. 
    • Online Archive
      • Added all the artwork from past years to a spreadsheet, including artist names, artwork titles, and visual descriptions for future use. 
      • Wrote up a guide for online archive and shop creation and use.