
On this page

  1. Update 1: Project Goals 
  2. Update 2: Competitive Analysis / Related Work
  3. Update 3: Gallery Tours
  4. Update 4: Archival of Art & Clive Davis Planning
  5. Update 5: Project Proposal 
  6. Update 6: Clive Davis Gallery Installations
  7. Update 7: Accessible Feature Creation 
  8. Update 8: Clover’s Gallery Exhibition Planning
  9. Update 9: Gallery Space Execution and Website Archiving 
  10. Update 10: Gallery Installation 

Weekly Update 10: 4/30/24: Gallery installation

  • Gallery installation
    • The gallery installation happened on 4/29 and 4/30. This involved transporting artwork and frames from the Artshare building to Clover’s gallery 
      • We helped unpack the artwork, screw wires into the backs of frames, put art into frames, and helped place and hang the work within the gallery space. 
      • We also met one of the founders of Artshare, Linda, which was a great experience.
    • Prepping for the opening on 5/1! 
  • Website
    • We are continuing to create a product page for Artshare and add the artwork that will be exhibited within the gallery. 
    • Placed everything on the website alphabetically as well. 
    • We wrote up a guide on how to edit and add things to the Squarespace, for future reference. 
  • This week:
    • We will create small booklets that will hold our accessible objects for smell, touch, and sound and place them with photographs of the botanical gardens and Coney Island in the gallery space for visitors.
    • Continue to create a 3D rendering of the space that will include the artwork. This can be placed on the website and be an accessible way to view the gallery space. 
    • Create a manual for Clive Davis describing who to contact about the space and technology along with the ideas that we came up with, but did not execute because of time sensitivity. 
    • Complete final presentation 

Weekly Update 9: 4/23/24

  • Website Archive 
    • The website archive is being transferred to a product page, where artwork that will be displayed at Clover’s Gallery can be bought.
      • Archived the work that will be presented at Clive Davis and Clover’s Gallery.  
      • Placed all artwork and information about the artwork into a spreadsheet
      • The goal is to sell 75% of the work 
      • Labeling research for the website and physical gallery space 
  • Clive Davis and 2 Metrotech Gallery Spaces
    • Artwork in Clive Davis is being transferred to the open space in 2 MetroTech 
    • Small booklets will be made for this space and Clover’s Gallery spaces
      • Smell, touch objects, and small sound objects that represent the photographs from the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens and Coney Island
    • Currently creating screen visuals for 2 Metrotech with information about Artshare and the artists. 
  • Clover’s Gallery
    • Went to Clover’s Gallery on 4/17 and measured the dimensions of the walls, doors, and windows. 
      • Created an accessible 3D rendering of the space on Rhino to put on the Artshare website. 
      • Created a 2D map of the space with a key that can be potentially passed out to visitors who would like one at the gallery space. 
  • Created Google feedback forms that will be accessible through a QR code presented in both gallery spaces.
    • Includes questions about the accessibility features and where improvements should be made. 
  • Other Updates
    • Created an availability form for the rest of the semester that will include setting up the gallery space and being the “front desk person” for the gallery (essentially managing the space when visitors come in)

Weekly Update 8: 4/16/24

  • Task tracking and management: Since there are many ongoing tasks and our team has five members, we created a task tracking list with a detailed task division in Google Docs. 
  • Website Archive
    • Built a master spreadsheet for artwork digital archives for classifying and proofreading artwork. 
    • Continue writing visual descriptions for artwork. 
    • Created concepts and wireframes for archive pages. 
    • To Do: 
      • Follow up with Andrew from HeartShare about setting up a store page for the ArtShare exhibitions. 
      • Continue writing and proofreading alt-text visual descriptions. 
      • Consult Barbara from Artshare about digital archiving. 
  • Clive Davis Gallery
    • Confirmed the four tasks to be completed: sound installation, smell installation, digital screen, and feedback form.
    • Consulted John-Henry Thompson about the digital screen technology in the gallery, and got from him the multiscreen experience installation guide. 
    • To Do: 
      • Follow up with Dan about the available dates of the ArtShare exhibition; after confirming the dates, talk to Will about the plan to move the same exhibition to 2 Metrotech by the second week of May. 
      • Create information screen and visual screen content, and send them to Will for review. 
      • Start gathering audio for sound installation. 
      • Follow up with Will about the materials for smell installation. 
      • Form a list of things to buy, and send to Will. 
  • Clover’s Gallery
    • Confirmed dates when team members will be available to help set up and assist with the exhibition. 
    • Contacted Clover’s Gallery about space measurement. 
    • To Do: 
      • Measure the Clover’s Gallery space.
      • Create a 3D model for internal reference for exhibition space planning. 

Weekly Update 7: (4/9/24, Accessible Feature Creation)

  • Continuation of Clive Davis Gallery set up and split the work amongst ourselves. 
    • Kaitlyn: Digital archive and website organization 
    • Fuguo and Cassandra: Interactive screens facing the street essentially invite people into the gallery and promote the gallery itself.
      • In contact with John Henry Thompson (creator of interactive screen code) 
    • Yuning: Sound design; creating sound objects that represent the photographs that will be present in Clive Davis. 
      • Buttons and small handheld devices.
    • Reshma: Scent objects; creating or buying (with the budget provided) objects that represent smells that you would find at Coney Island or the Botanical Gardens.
  • Also, set up recurring meetings on Monday at noon to continue the Clover’s Gallery setup.  
    • Discuss digital and physical advertising and implementing accessible features that will be tested at the Clive Davis Gallery through feedback forms. 
  • To Do:
      1. Collect and organize feedback from the class
        1. Send the feedback to Liz and Will
        2. Review our plans
      2. Clive Davis Gallery
        1. Form a list of things to purchase and send to Will
        2. Keep photocopies of receipts upon purchases, or
        3. Send Amazon links to Will and he will help purchase them
        4. The prices should be reasonable to get reimbursement!
      3. Clover’s Gallery
        1. Go through the document that Will sent us: Artshare 2024 Annual Exhibition.docx 
        2. Join Monday meetings
        3. Draft some questions to ask before the first meeting.
      4. ArtShare website
        1. Consult Barbra

Weekly Update 6: (4/2/24, Clive Davis Installation

  • We had our weekly meeting with Will and Liz where we discussed more creative and accessible devices we can use to create a multisensory environment during the Clive Davis Gallery exhibition. We have started putting the easels in the gallery as well. 
    • Smell: cans or toys that emit either botanical smells or carnival food smells 
    • Sound: small hand-held devices with a button that emits carnival sounds and sounds of nature. 
    • Labeling: Accessible fonts and colors
  • Website: continue to create alt texts for the pictures on the website. Start separating the artworks that are in different mediums.
    • Categorize them into paintings, tactile, photography 
  • We also worked on the midterm presentation, recorded it, and submitted it. 

Weekly Update 5: (3/26/24, Project Proposal)

  • We showed our Clive Davis Gallery digital screens proposal to Liz and Will from Heartshare and Amy. 
    • Feedback from Amy: 
      • For the sound installations, try to avoid creating electronic components like buttons because they are prone to break down. Try switching to digital solutions like QR codes instead. 
    • Feedback from Liz and Will: 
      • Will updated us that the photos at the Clive Davis Gallery will focus mainly on Coney Island and sent us some of the photos. He would like some adjustments to our previous plan based on the theme. 
      • Will also suggests that we use the p5.js tool by John Henry Thompson to develop indoor sound installations. 
  • We continued working on the Artshare Website
  • We started working on the midterm presentation materials. 
  • Next steps: 
    • Explore the p5.js tool by John Henry Thompson, and use it to develop prototypes of digital screens and sound installations. 
    • Continue working on the Artshare Website; update Liz and Will about the website and get their feedback or further instructions. 
    • Meeting with Liz and Will on 3.27. 

Weekly Update 4: (3/13/24, Archival of Art & clive davis planning)

3.6 Meeting

  • We came into the Heartshare office and took pictures of most of the artwork from past galleries and some of the art that will be displayed in this year’s gallery at Clover’s Gallery. 
    • Combine the archive pages into one page.
    • Add the artist’s name, the piece’s name, and a visual description.
    • Notes:
      • The layout put into a grid
      • Crop out the frame and edit brightness/angles
      • Add a visual description
    • **An ongoing project that will go throughout the semester separate from the gallery installations and exhibitions 
    • Added alt texts to each painting which are visible to screen readers 
    • Website
  • Met with Dan O’Sullivan to discuss the Clive Davis Gallery Opening
    • Dates, accessibility, digital screens 
    • Create a pitch deck with ideas for the Clive Davis gallery — by 3.13 
      • The photos to be exhibited will be about the NYC landscape. Some ideas brought out during the meeting: 
        1. About sound
          1. Match sound to photo content (e.g. street photo -> street sound)
          2. Soundtrack/BGM constantly playing in space
          3. Interactive sound, triggered by events like people’s movement or appearance
        2. About visuals
          1. Check out the current digital screen, whose content is supported by a system developed by John Henry Thompson — we can use the same system
          2. Content: can be time-lapse videos of art creation 
          3. QR codes that allow you to control the screens 
          4. Interactive –> changing visuals triggered by movement 
          5. We made a proposal, which will be discussed on 03/13/24

Weekly Update 3: (3/5/24, Gallery tours) 

2.28 Meeting

  • Met Will Green 
    • Toured Clive Davis Gallery, space at 2 Metro Tech, and Clover’s Gallery on Atlantic Ave. 
    • Walk-through of Heartshare’s office on Jay St 
  • Website Updates:
    • Take pictures of art that needs to be returned to artists 
    • Archive photos and post them on the website
    • Decide what needs/should be added to Squarespace from WordPress
  • Physical Space Updates:
    • Clive Davis Gallery 
      • Craft desk? 
      • Accessible Technologies 
      • Tactile/touch objects 
      • Digital screens in windows:
        • Purpose: invitations and interactive 
          • MAX MSP and web camera 
    • Digital advertising and physical advertising for Clover’s Gallery on May 3rd 

Other Work Done

  • Researched archival processes and formats including single artifacts and collection pages from the Guggenheim and the Rubin Museum. 
    • Found what information is needed and how to make it accessible 

Next Week

  • Complete the archiving of the artwork in Heartshare’s office and website updates.
  • Start Clive Davis gallery set up once Will gets confirmation on dates
  • Begin digital and physical advertising 

Weekly Update 2: (2/27/24, Competitive Analysis / Related Work)

  • 2.26 Meeting 
    • Timeline:
      • Exploring spaces 
      • Emerging theme? 
        • Feminine divine? 
      • Picking up art: Last week of March
      • Choosing artwork and blueprinting the space/where things will go   
      • Archiving artwork 
        • Information about the archival process for the website 
      • May 2nd installation date 
        • 9 am-5 pm 
      • May 3rd: opening night
    • Clover Gallery visit, Clive Davis Gallery visit, 2 Metrotech gallery visit:
      • Wednesday: 2.28 @ 2:00 pm
      • Meet outside of 370 Jay St
      • Video documentation and photographs
  • Research 
    • We researched existing accessibility guides for temporary gallery and museum exhibitions.
    • Important takeaways:
      • If an object has been selected to represent a section of a story, how will this translate as a tactile object or an interactive experience?
      • If an object or image cannot be made accessible, then should this story/object/image be included?
      • Decision-making should at least be partially given to those who have a lived experience of the story you’re trying to tell.
      • Some artifacts may not be appropriate for display without careful interpretation
    • Physical elements:
      • Mount displays at a lower level — 75 cm (30 inches) from the ground to the bottom of the table/display case
      • Ensure that cases have enough clearance for wheelchair users to get close with/ “knee-under access”
      • A guideline should be used as a visual trail: this can help everyone navigate the space
      • Use large print text panels, size 16 point
      • Off-white panels should be used instead of bright white panels
      • Work with a visually impaired creative writer to develop an audio description
      • Work with someone who has experience of audio description in a cultural capacity
      • Display tactile elements both at an angle and flat
      • Multi-sensory experience — engage things like smell
      • Raised floors must include ramps
      • Aisle width — no less than 36 inches of unobstructed space between displays, and a 3-foot square area in all corners
    • ADA Accessibility Checklist: https://adachecklist.org/checklist.html
    • Exhibitions also rarely have content notes or trigger warnings before you enter them
    • Curators need to actively integrate with their audience, to understand how different people interact with art differently.
    • Easy access to quiet spaces in the gallery 
  • 2.22 Brooklyn Museum Visit
    • We visited the museum with Liz and Will from HeartShare, and two neurodivergent local groups and their companions from Avenue L and Bay Ridge. 
    • Observations
      • Instead of walking through exhibits in a single direction, they went back and forth in the exhibition area several times. 
      • They visited the exhibition quickly and usually wouldn’t read the text descriptions. They paid attention to visually interesting exhibits. 3D exhibits like sculptures can easily draw their attention. 
      • When some of them sat down for a rest, they forgot about getting up until their companions reminded them. 
      • Since the hallways were wide, they tended to ignore some exhibits hanging on two sides of the walls. 
      • Different from my assumption, the companions didn’t talk much like a tour guide. They mainly supported the neurodivergent people’s safe and happy viewing experience. For example, they made sure no one fell behind and hugged them to encourage them to continue the tour. Sometimes the companions would also talk with the neurodivergent people about the exhibits to help them better understand.
Bay ridge Avenue L
  • Taking photos,
  • Barely read notes/signage 
  • Try to stay with friends, will call each other/find each other when they apart 
  • Like to take photos from the front 
  • Almost exist because no one read the sign, and everyone turned to follow 
  • Relay on verbal guide 
  • Members love to spread and explore based on personal interest
  • More discussions among peers
  • Will ask the gallery staff for information 
  • Engaging in conversation with staff about certain art
  • Want staff to pose for their picture
  • Interested in engaging with new staff
  • the supervisor needs to do a headcount often
  • Gather the group tightly together
  • Some members discuss art with staff
  • Likes to take a close look at the art 
  • Staff also trying to enjoy art while moving with the group
  • Less self explore, more stay in the group
  • Prefer art on a bigger scale
  • Frequent group check-in together 
  • Have a clear idea of their preferred art style/objects
    • Brooklyn Museum Accessibility
      • Good Practices
        • To better facilitate the bag check process for visiting groups like us, the museum used a big cart to collect everyone’s bags so that we didn’t need to wait too long in line. 
        • The introduction of each exhibition section was in big font on a block of low height standing at the center of the section entrance. This design made the descriptions accessible to people on wheelchairs, with low vision or neurodivergence. 
        • The exhibition space is wide enough for people to move around, making it possible for people on wheelchairs to move around freely. 
        • The exhibition’s glass door opens automatically so people can enter without a barrier. 
      • Things to improve
        • The exhibition could add an audio tour and visual descriptions of the exhibits.

Weekly Update 1: (2/20/24, Goals)

  • EquiArt Ensemble — we created this using ChatGBT  
  • Reshma Gowda will be the main point of contact: rg4640@nyu.edu 
  • Overview of team member responsibilities
    • Website: Kaitlyn, Cassandra, Fuguo
    • Physical Space: Yuning, Reshma, Cassandra, Fuguo 
  • Schedule for regular meetings throughout the semester
    • Wednesdays 9:00 – 10:00 am
  • Description of the project 
    • Improve and add to the website — moving to Squarespace 
    • Help with gallery installation and accessibility in the physical space. 
  • What tools/expertise will you leverage to complete the project
    • Articles, books, museum visits, class lectures 
  • What does your team already have a good understanding of
    • Heartshare’s goals for our team — website design and physical space installation. 
  • What additional tools/expertise will you need to complete the project?
    • We will be visiting local museums and galleries to learn more and we will also be exploring the spaces where they will hold the exhibition to improve accessibility. 
    • We will be assisting in implementing the Clive Davis Gallery 
  • What is your timeline?
    • TBD