Jul 17 2015 July 15, 2015: Our collaborative work with Polytechnique Montréal and McGill University is now published in the journal Scientific Reports.
May 30 2015 May 30, 2015: Dr. Menachery’s work (A Multi-Profile Gradient Generator Based on Cross-Flow Microfluidic Channels) is selected for oral presentation in “the 6th International Nanomedicine Conference” organized by the Australian Centre for NanoMedicine, UNSW Australia. July 6-8 2015.
May 30 2015 May 25, 2015: Prof. Qasaimeh is attending the Gordon Research Conference Microfluidics, Physics & Chemistry, May 31 – June 5, 2015, Mount Snow, VT, USA.
May 23 2015 May 23, 2015: The recent work of Dr. Vila-Planas and Nesro “Flowing liquid lenses” got accepted as an Open Poster in the Transducers 2015 conference, Alaska, USA. Congratulations!