November 5, 2018: The AMMLab group members presented their work in 5 posters during the 2018 NYUAD Research Conference.
October 12, 2018: Our collaborative efforts with NYU Engineering, NYU Medicine, and Auburn University is now published in the journal Lab on a Chip. Congratulation to my PhD students Ayoola Brimmo and Ayoub Glia, and all other lead and senior authors.
September 8, 2018: Welcome back and Congratulations Ayoub Glia! Ayoub spent the previous academic year in New York completing PhD requirements. He passed all PhD courses and oral and written qualifying exams at NYU Tandon School of Engineering. Ayoub is now officially a PhD Candidate in the MechE department. Ayoub is starting now his PhD research in the AMMLab, way to go Ayoub.
August 28, 2018: Our recent research was highlighted in several Arabic news including and Congratulations to PhD Candidate Ayoola Brimmo and other co-authors.