Shaders Exercise 2

Source Code

Algorithm Explanation

I started this visual exercise with the concept of the distance field

While the basic implementation of the distance field is drawing a simple circle. 

vec2 dist = distance(st - vec2(.5));


distance field

However, as in the book of shaders, when we transpose the original point to the center of the screen, we can take abs() of both X and Y coordinates, we multiply the shape by 4. 

If we take a step further, we can implement more complicated shapes by using max() or min() functions if two distance functions. 

This is my modified version of the fractioned measure of the distance field. 

If we remove the fraction, we get a grayscale contour of the distance value.

When we animate certain parameters using sin() and other animating functions, we get this looped moving pattern.

If I apply a step function, we get a sharp contrast animated shape.

Finally, if I assign different color channels with different values, we can get this shape that resembles 🍀. 

color.g += d*1.5;
color.rb += abs(st.xy);
color += .15;
gl_FragColor = vec4(color, 1.0);