Iteration 2 (Oct.31st)
I successfully made things work!! It turned out that I shouldn’t overburden my p5.js. It can work with simple codes.
This is me trying to test out the button and the potentiometer. The console.log function is working.
Now I am trying to use the potentiometer to control the volume — it can’t be reflected in the video because I was wearing headphones, but I could tell the difference, and the background was changing.
the codes: edit link | fullscreen link
lessons learnt
“serial.write(“x”); ” is very essential to trigger and maintain the communication between p5 and arduino
Before, my serial.write(“x”); only happened once (when I started to run the script), because it was only in the initiateSerial() function. It should also be in the serialEvent() function as well ;’)
The reason why it worked (but slowly) was because I am printing stuff outside of the if statement.
Also to maintain realtime communication, I should close the serial monitor in arduino.
Pervious iterations
This week I explored two sets of codes. I tried to play with music & tried to manipulate the images with p5.js.
Playing with music — visualizing the music
I got my inspiration from a video I saw recently. In Shanghai there is a club that held an event for deaf people — although deaf people can’t hear the music, they can use their body to feel the music beats and use their eyes to perceive the changes of the lightings. Initially I was thinking maybe I can use a sound input to detect the music, however, I got banned from the shop again?? So I gave up on this idea, and this project is a bit underdeveloped ; ;
editing link | fullscreen link
One problem I encountered was that when I changed the project into fullscreen, the threshold of color changing might not work well. It was a bit difficult to do the math calculation.
reference: youtube video by colorful coding link
Image Manipulation
I was trying to play with vapor wave aesthetics in the very beginning because I thought it is fun :). But I ended up referencing this youtube video (link). What I have in mind is that when I hit the button connected to arduino, the effect will be triggered. However, I think there might be too many codes going on inside my computer that it never succeeded. (But when I tried with other codes, it worked.
with arduino – fullscreen link — editing link
without arduino – fullscreen link — editing link
notes ive taken based on the YouTube video:
#version 300 es
// GLES (OpenGL Shading Language) – this MUST be the first line of the code
// this is a fragment shader, which computes the color of each pixel in a rendered image
precision mediump float;
// sets the precision of floaating-point variables to meduim, can be lowp or highp as well
// but changing it will affect how floating-point numbers are handled
in vec2 pos;
out vec4 colour;
// int – integer value
// vec2, vec3, vec4 – xD vector;
// vec2 – consists of 2 floating-point nums, to present positions or directions
// vec3 – colors, 3D positions or directions
// vec4 – RGBA colors, 3D positions with an additional component for transformations
uniform sampler2D image;
uniform vec2 aspect;
uniform float t; //time
uniform vec2 centre;
// uniform is used to declare global variables that remain constant during execution of a shader program for all pixels or vertices. often used for data that need to remain cosistent
const float maxRadius = 0.5;
// SDF from
float sdBox(vec2 p, vec2 b) {
vec2 d = abs(p)-b;
return length(max(d,0.0)) + min(max(d.x,d.y),0.0);
float getOffsetStrength(float t, vec2 dir) {
// float d = length(dir/aspect) – t * maxRadius; // SDF of circle
float d = sdBox(dir/aspect, vec2(t * maxRadius));//SDF of a square
d *= 1. – smoothstep(0., 0.05, abs(d)); // Mask the ripple
d *= smoothstep(0., 0.05, t); // Smooth intro
d *= 1. – smoothstep(0.5, 1., t); // Smooth outro
return d;
void main() {
// 4. Chromatic aberation – color effect
vec2 dir = centre – pos;
float tOffset = 0.05 * sin(t * 3.14);
float rD = getOffsetStrength(t + tOffset, dir);
float gD = getOffsetStrength(t, dir);
float bD = getOffsetStrength(t – tOffset, dir);
dir = normalize(dir);
// normalize returns a vector with the same direction as its parameter, v, but with length 1.
float r = texture(image, pos + dir * rD).r;
float g = texture(image, pos + dir * gD).g;
float b = texture(image, pos + dir * bD).b;
float shading = gD * 8.;
colour = vec4(r, g, b, 1.);
colour.rgb += shading;
Inigo Quilez link
youtube tutorial link
Yelena Ye says
adding one future reference: — artwork by Len Lye