This week is about arrays & setting up my own function. I know I could have done better in my design but I have way too much work to do lately, so I kept my design simple. A few things I’m really glad about: 1) I figured out how to do gradient background (although it is more related to last week’s thing); 2) I formed the habit of saving the codings more often, because my webpage dies so so so so so frequently ;; 3) I have a deeper understanding about the push/ pop/ rotate/ translate thing now
- Describe what values were stored in the array(s) and how you utilized them. Share your experience while using the array(s).
- I basically repeated what was taught on Thursday’s class when using the arrays, because I am not confident in my understandings. By repeating this process, I think I am making progress?
- Array is very convenient to use, and I really like the circle pattern I produced. One improvement I can make is that maybe I can make it like a rolling ball. But considering my computer (the webpage stops responding so frequently!!!! So sad;;;), I might need to explore it in other codings.
- Explain when/why translate(), push() and pop().
- I understand the importance of push() & pop() this time!!! ((Maybe the webpage died and I didn’t save the codings, but) When attributing a particular design to the elements, using push() & pop() won’t disturb other things 🙂
- What is the effectiveness of User-Defined Functions?
- It makes my codings cleaner (especially when I fold it) & easier for me to find what I want to change. Also a lot easier to repeat the actions in the codings, for example, in the “if” function thing 🙂
- What parameters did you added to your functions? How were they manipulate the effects of the functions?
- I used mouseX/ mouseY when mouseIsPressed, so that my little dog can follow my mouse 🙂
- One thing I found is that if I put the background in setup, the dog would appear tons of time when MouseIsPressed, because in setup the background would only run once.
- Are you able to identify methods/processes in your programming that are radically changed because of the uses of the functions you defined?
- Not really (?
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