Week 1: Soft Circuits

For the first week of this class, we were instructed to create a circuit using conductive thread, fabric, a battery, and LED lights. To start the process, we first built a tester on a breadboard to understand how the circuit works, then applied that concept to the fabric shape we chose (I did a heart). 

Originally, I had intended to have a magnet switch, but it unfortunately would not work with my design so I decided to have a button instead. To do this, I used three pieces of the same fabric and sewed through the layers, ensuring the conductive threads of each segment did not cross. I also cut a hole in the middle layer so the knot inside the pouch holding the battery could be touched by the knot on the bottom layer, completing the circuit when the knots are pressed together. 

Overall, I struggled a bit with not letting the threads touch each other, however, once I understood it fully it was much smoother to complete the project. I have attached the final product demonstration below. 

soft circuit final

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