Pioneer Plaque

For this assignment, Hugo Wang and I  decided to explain the evolution of communication methods to the aliens. We want to emphasize on how technology advancement and societal changes shape the ways human communicate by including important milestones and highlights (new tools, better speed etc.) throughout human history.
The primary way of communication is via oral expression. It is a straightforward way for us human to exchange information and it became more important after written and spoken languages were constructed. It is also important to let aliens understand how our biological limitations and capabilities shape the way we communicate with one another. On the plaque, we wanted to use long lines to represent the “talking” process. As introduced in the book, aliens used long antennae to write. Therefore, we think it makes it easier for them to understand what we are trying to convey if we could borrow some of their communication elements and incorporate into our plaque.
The next component on the plaque sheds light on how humans overcome physical limitations to convey and exchange information. In ancient times, humans used pigeons as messengers due to their natural homing abilities for long-distance communications. The notes are tied to the birds’ legs and they are sent home with a message. This signifies the primal phase of remote communication that is rather time-consuming and unstable.
With the development of governance, communication systems were made possible. We included the postal system to signify how humans could also collaborate with one another, on the basis of social systems and constructs (governments, religion etc.) to facilitate the process of communications. However, the tool to communicate stays rather primal. Horses were the main way to transport these mails.
With the advent of electrical telegraph and the continued study of how sound is transmitted via the human voice, a more convenient method of communication emerged. This is a significant development in the evolution of communication methods because of the amount of time and resources saved on this important invention. Telephones made it easier for businesses to communicate with each other and as the network expands, the area one could reach is also expanded.
The eventual two devices represent the modern way of communication. Humans started to apply written and spoken language on devices (mobile phones, laptops) to communicate with one another. The communication system is more advanced compared with traditional dialing system and the possibilities of communication become almost limitless.
To build links among these different phases of communication, we used arrows. Even though it could be risky for aliens to understand that this signifies progress, it is a safe and easy way to represent the concept of evolution without overcomplicating the plaque.
To further simplify the threshold of understanding the plaque, we used a circular pattern to demonstrate the whole process as in the book aliens were accustomed to using circular shapes to write and comprehend texts.

Week 1: Soft Circuits

For the first week of this class, we were instructed to create a circuit using conductive thread, fabric, a battery, and LED lights. To start the process, we first built a tester on a breadboard to understand how the circuit works, then applied that concept to the fabric shape we chose (I did a heart). 

Originally, I had intended to have a magnet switch, but it unfortunately would not work with my design so I decided to have a button instead. To do this, I used three pieces of the same fabric and sewed through the layers, ensuring the conductive threads of each segment did not cross. I also cut a hole in the middle layer so the knot inside the pouch holding the battery could be touched by the knot on the bottom layer, completing the circuit when the knots are pressed together. 

Overall, I struggled a bit with not letting the threads touch each other, however, once I understood it fully it was much smoother to complete the project. I have attached the final product demonstration below. 

soft circuit final