- Obstruction 1:
- No single edit may be longer than 12 frames
- Set in Cuba and had to answer questions from the original narration
- Jorgen found this very hard but managed to work around it, producing what von
- Trier saw as an ‘old Leth film’
- Obstruction 2:
- Had to eat a meal on camera with no other instructions
Jorgen found this challenging but managed to get through it
- Had to eat a meal on camera with no other instructions
- Obstruction 3:
- Set in the Bombay red light district, seen as one of the most miserable places
This took a psychological toll on Jorgen with nightmares
- Set in the Bombay red light district, seen as one of the most miserable places
- Obstruction 4:
- Had to make the film as a cartoon, which both Jorgen and von Trier hated
Jorgen pushed back very strongly against this limitation
- Had to make the film as a cartoon, which both Jorgen and von Trier hated
- General thoughts:
- Jorgen is clever at finding ways to work around the limitations but finds some of them extremely challenging
- The obstructions are meant to push Jorgen out of his comfort zone and force new creative approaches
- Some obstructions like the cartoon take it too far and Jorgen rebels against them
The psychological effect on Jorgen increases with each film, showing the toll of the process
Specific Answer to Questions:
- What are the precise rules of each of the obstructions?
- Obstruction 1: No single edit could be longer than 12 frames
Obstruction 2: Had to film himself eating a meal with no other instructions
Obstruction 3: Had to film in the Bombay red light district
Obstruction 4: The film had to be made as a cartoon
- Obstruction 1: No single edit could be longer than 12 frames
- How does Jorgen cope with the obstructions?
- Obstruction 1: Works around the limitation finding creative solutions like quick cuts
Obstruction 2: Manages to get through eating the meal on camera
Obstruction 3: Filmed the scene but it took a psychological toll with nightmares
Obstruction 4: Pushed back strongly against this obstruction refusing to make a cartoon
- Obstruction 1: Works around the limitation finding creative solutions like quick cuts
- What is the effect on the movies he produces?
- Obstruction 1: Von Trier sees it as like an old Leth film, finding creative solutions worked
Obstruction 2: Managed to complete the assigned scene
Obstruction 3: The psychological impact carried over after filming with nightmares
Obstruction 4: Jorgen refused rather than producing the assigned cartoon format
- Obstruction 1: Von Trier sees it as like an old Leth film, finding creative solutions worked
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