Crowd Sourcing for the Mystery Image Crowd Sourcing for the Mystery Image When I was walking through the East Village down and down First Ave....
Share Your Vermin Thoughts – Arscott Monsters. Monsters everywhere. Monsters with a dream and the drive. You’ve seen the cost of survival here. How are you surviving?
Arscott’s Vermin Welcome “New York has always been going to hell, but somehow it never gets there. “-Robert Birsig “I’m from New...
Arscott’s Vermin Standards: “New York, like London, seems to be the [toilet] of all the depravities of human nature”- T.J.
Holism: an unlicensed, unwarranted and potentially violating gallery. This gallery contains 21 photos.
Greetings from Florence Hello New Yorkers, I hope this video provides enough context for the work you will do with students in...