You look around you and notice that the world you live in is nothing more then a compilation of wholes. A leaf is whole, but it lends itself to a branch, which then lends itself to the foliage which then becomes a part of a tree. We often hear the saying ‘art mirrors life.’ In that sense, this is a gallery of exploration, deeper meaning. There are always underlying forms. While maybe not explicitly stated in physical form, every one of these pictures builds on something. Maybe something the artwork itself suggests, maybe something you have within you. It is a synergistic effort, the success of which is left up to you to qualify. This is a gallery wholly formed through smaller parts, smaller wholes. A gallery of life.
The second layer of detachment. Keep clicking to see it’s composite parts but here, rest with the full picture. Let it wash over you.
Steve Jobs. Think about how this affects you, plays on not only the visible fragmentation apparent in this picture, but also your initial understanding of what this man has accomplished, what he has done.
Man and Nature? Man of Nature? You decide.
The man seems very integrated into society as visible by the bowtie. // Too big a leap? // The permanence of society/ societal values visible through the use of concrete as the medium of choice.
The colors here make the fragmentation readily apparent, but after reading his message the blending of the two cultures he experienced, the colors and cultures both seem to have had a synergistic effect, they made more than the sum of their parts.
This image plays with a prior understanding of the phrase. While not explicitly obvious or overt in its composition, it is composed of more than the one image by playing on most viewers’ previous knowledge of the phrase “safety first”