
South Fourth Street Station — Brooklyn, NY

Welcome to Hell, The Real America

I chose this to be my cover photo because I think it represents what I feel America is nowadays. The cover photo represents the what I feel America is these days. My graffiti gallery is representing what New York Graffiti art is and how its expressed throughout the city. The title “Welcome to Hell, The Real America” gives more insight into its meaning more than any other graffiti art in my collection. My gallery is here to show different modes of graffiti art

Brooklyn, New York

The Graffiti slums of Brooklyn

Chinatown, NY

Chinatown Graffiti Rooftop

Soho, NY

Yellow Rat Bastard NYC

Bronx, NY

Skull knight of Pelham

10th east Avenue A

Sludgefest On

East Greenwich Village, NY

Alphabet Lounge

Broadway Ave, NY

Abandoned Broadway Entrance

South Fourth Street Station — Brooklyn, NY

Deep Thought


Checkered Rhino

Harlem, NY

Ana’s Mystery Read

East Greenwich Village

Don of New York

West Greenwich Village

Supreme Grafcity