Zaki’s GraffitiBX


The Bronx is well known as a place where graffiti occupies every wall and corner. However, as time continues to move forward i realize that the graffiti that was once evident everywhere we go, is slowly fading away. When I was a kid, there was graffiti on every mail box, building, pole, and train. Now that I’m 18, I still see that the graffiti i grew up with is disappearing. In search of graffiti in the Bronx, i walked twenty-seven block (from 215-242) looking for different pieces of artwork. On this journey i noticed that although the graffiti might not be as evident, it still exist everywhere. You can try and take graffiti out of the Bronx but you cant take the Bronx out of graffiti. The influence of the Bronx is evident in all these works, especially in larger pieces and murals. My favorite piece is the one of the train which shows all the influential people that came out of the Bronx area.