Bree’s City Art: Think Different

unnamed-1 In Memory, Steve Jobs.  On broadway.

“Think different.” In the words of Steve Jobs. Sometimes you must look beneath the masks of everyday life and uncover the true meaning behind what’s present. “The significance might not be immediately apparent, but if you take some time to clarify the unknown and the things you do not understand — you can truly open your mind to a different perspective.

I was able to get in contact with the artist of the Steve Jobs piece. In this correspondence I asked Uncut, the artist, what he thought about his piece and what he intended to project to the audience.

Meaning behind the artists eyes:

“Well, my Art symbolizes our world we live in. Bringing different strange pieces together to create a beautiful image or beautiful world. With the SteveJobs, the theme is (Think Different) he showed us so much thru his journey with Apple. And I want to use my Art and influential ppl to project my thought to the public. We are consumed with the everyday life shit that we hardly take a moment to look inward and take a minute to appreciate the universe. The Sun. The Process of breathing, the wonderful ppl in out lives. So much is neglected and I want ppl to slow down and admire the art while realizing everything around them is part Of that same artist view. Changing the way ppl view themselves & others around them one brush stroke at a time… That’s my story & I’m sticking to it.” ~ Uncut, The street artist


Color Splashed Mystery Women. Brooklyn.

This is a picture of a women, which is depicted in Brooklyn, but she seems to be shrouded by a chaos of color. Behind all the mayhem of color there seems to be a sense of serenity and a defiant preparation for the unknown. The portrait depicts an array of bright colors, perhaps it presents the audience with the idea that though there may be so much on the outside, you must have an inner focus in order to see clearly. The black and gray artwork shows that she is centered and is able to clear mindset.


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Fight for the Streets. Brooklyn.

In this street art, it tells a story about a loss of control and a mayhem that has arisen in this neighborhood.  The street artist may not necessarily want a “fight,” but he wants a sense peace. There is a sense of elegance to the artwork. The geometric patterns and intricate detail in the work present the audience that, perhaps, the artist wants a civil approach to the problems going around. But the artist uses the street fighters as a symbol to display that immediate action bust be taken, unless the people want chaos to break loose. He wants people to have a different perspective of the troubles in the streets and not to take things violently but with reason and civility. The image is made for people to think different than possibly the way they were raised or the neighborhood they grew up in.


Fight or Flight.