On The Streets of NYC

Welcome viewers! The streets of New York are chock full of culture and art, so I welcome you to indulge on the creativity and expression of the local artists. Whether it is crime or declaration, it is art.

These lampposts seem to provide the public with a colorful and playful sight on their way to work. Whether you stop and look or not, these will always catch your eye as you wait to cross the street.

Many lamposts throughout the city bear a colorful tile design, some even with words/phrases as shown above: BLACKOUT NYC 1987.

Many lamposts throughout the city bear a colorful tile design, some even with words/phrases as shown above: BLACKOUT NYC 1987.

More of the colorful creations, reaching to above eye level on many posts.

More of the colorful creations, reaching to above eye level on many posts.


Steve Jobs, the epitome of innovation and creation. Depicting an almost advertisement for creativity, to open your minds and simply Think Different.

A colorful image of Steve Jobs depicted in these stickers throughout NYC along with the caption "Think Different".

A colorful image of Steve Jobs depicted in these stickers throughout NYC along with the caption “Think Different”.

Think Different

As you walk throughout the city, you find that a majority of the art in areas of business where there are no empty walls to serve as a canvas, much of the art is in the form of stickers on posts near the streets.

Monkey Lines

Strategically placed advertisements placed along East 10th Street.

Strategically placed advertisements placed along East 10th Street.

An intriguing advertisement with a playful artists' touch.

An intriguing advertisement with a playful artists’ touch.

Advertisements are a relay from the company to the consumer, but why not be creative with it? These colorfully placed ads fill the walls along E10th, you can’t help but turn your head.

An unidentifiable face sketched onto a worn news box.

An unidentifiable face sketched onto a worn news box.

An interesting depiction of body and soul. Where the human is split into both the inner and outer self.

An interesting depiction of body and soul. Where the human is split into both the inner and outer self.

This intriguing image makes one stop and think, what could it possibly mean. There is an obvious split between the outer and inner human being, but what is this art trying to tell us? Are we fragile on the inside? Is our stomach tied in knots? Is this picture depicting anxiety or sadness? Maybe it is a representation of mental disorder. Or maybe it is simply skin over bone.

Whether you understanding the meaning of art or not, it is an experience. Walking through the streets of New York is an experience. I thank you for viewing my gallery and welcome you to view more works of art on your own. Step outside and take in the creativity, the beauty, the mystery.