Jeremy’s Gallery of Eye Candy

Welcome to Jeremy’s Gallery with all kinds of street art from New York City! A common theme among New York street artists is faces that really draw the viewer in and cause him or her to think of where the face comes from and who or what it represents.  Faces show different expressions, which is perfect for a place like New York City since everyone expresses themselves differently and show a wide variety of talents. I have also thrown some cool images in that seem to just be a conglomeration of lines, objects, and random images.  Enjoy!

Street art between the streets of 3rd and 11th street, from 1st avenue to Broadway…

Mystery Photo! (below) What does the photo mean? What is its underlying meaning? How do others view this photo?



Faces In Street Art…what do these faces represent? How do these artists come up with these faces? Do they represent people in their own lives? All pictures taken on October 6, 2014.

Cover Image (below): Faces represent an array of emotions when seen on the streets of New York.  Faces make people think about what or who they represent and why the artist chose to portray a paricular face.  In the image below a face is hidden behind a wooden wall with a hole in it, and then through a fence.  It has so much meaning and character that it well suits the cover of faces in street art.  A face tells a story, not only about its own life, but also about the person who created it.  Faces have different expressions and so does New York, so in a way faces in street art are a metaphor for New York City as a whole, representing the different people and different expressions people have here.


Please feel free to leave a comment on your reactions to any images, or if you know what a certain image represents feel free to let me know!