
The workshop will be held in the room 17 or 553 at the Kyoto International Conference Center from 9 am to 5 pm Kyoto time and accessible  through the zoom platform at the link https://nyu.zoom.us/j/98156136765

Program is in Kyoto time GMT+9

Time Talk
9:00 Welcome
9:10 Talk 1 Andrew Johnson, NASA JPL, “Terrain Sensing and Recognition for Safe and Precise Planetary Landing”
9:30 Talk 2 Marija Popovic, University of Bonn, “Mapping and Planning for Autonomous Robotic Decision-Making”
9:50 Talk 3 H. Jin Kim, Seoul National University, “Reachability Analysis for Trajectory Planning”
10:10 Talk 4: contributed papers 4 papers, 5 minutes each, check below full list
10:30 Coffee Break
11:00 Talk 4: contributed papers 10 papers, 5 minutes each, check below full list
11:50 Talk 5 Soon-Jo Chung, Caltech, ”Safe and Stable Learning for Agile Robots without Reinforcement Learning”
12:10 Talk 6 Giuseppe Loianno, NYU, “Learning Models and Policies for Precise and Adaptive Agile Flight”
12:30 Talk 7 Xuesu Xiao, George Mason University, “Learning Agile Ground Maneuvers in Highly Constrained and Off-Road Conditions”
12:50 Talk 8 Edward Fu Schmerling and Marco Pavone, Stanford University, “Detecting and Mitigating Distribution Shift at the System-Level for Learning-Based Robotics”
13:10 Lunch Break
14:00 Talk 9 Melanie Zeillinger, ETH Zurich,”Efficient and Safe Learning for Control”
14:20 Talk 10 Davide Scaramuzza, University of Zurich, “Autonomous Drone Racing”
14:40 Talk 11 Fei Gao, Zhejiang University, “Swarm of Micro Flying Robots in the Wild”
15:00 Coffee Break-Poster session
15:30 Talk 12  Anibal Ollero, University of Seville, ““Maneuverability of large flapping wing and multi-rotor aerial systems for inspection and maintenance applications”
15:50 Talk 13 Rudin Nikita and Marco Hutter, ETH Zurich, “Agile locomotion of legged robots, challenges and recent advances”
16:10 Talk 14 D. Hyunchul Shim, KAIST, “Resilient Navigation and Control for Real Racing with High Speed Indy Cars”
16:30 Panel Discussion and closing remarks

Contributed papers

  1. T. Sugihara and T. Yamamoto “Behavior System Architecture for Simultaneous Exploration and Navigation of a Biped Robot
  2. R. Zufferey, D. F.-T., Saeed Rafee Nekoo, J.-A. Acosta, and A. Ollero “Experimental method for perching flapping-wing aerial robots
  3. D. Yang and Y. Yu Sea “Urchin Robot for Autonomous Planetary Surface Exploration Based on Model-Free RL Locomotion Policy
  4. R. Hagmanns, T. Emter, M. G. Besselmann , and J. Beyerer “Efficient Global Occupancy Mapping for Mobile Robots using OpenVDB
  5. E. Tal, G. Ryou , and S. Karaman “Trajectory Generation and Tracking for an Agile Fixed-Wing VTOL Aircraft
  6. J. Joe Payne, N. J. Kong and Aaron M. Johnson “State Estimation for Hybrid Systems: Saltation Based Methods
  7. R. Edlinger, T. Woegenstein , and A. Nuechter “Dual Solid-State ToF LiDAR for Terrain Analysis and Autonomous Flipper Control of a Search and Rescue Robot
  8. E. Cuniato, C. Geckeler, M. Brunner, D. Strübin, E. Bähler, F. Ospelt, M. Tognon, S. Mintchev , and R. Siegwart “Design and Control of a Micro Overactuated Aerial Robot with an Origami Delta Manipulator
  9. O. Dosunmu-Ogunbi and Jessy Grizzle “Stair Climbing using the Angular Momentum Linear Inverted Pendulum Model and Model Predictive Control
  10. H. Nguyen, R. Andersen, E. Boukas , and K. Alexis Deep “Visual Attention-Aware Navigation Planning
  11. H. Bavle, Jose Luis Sanchez-Lopez, M.  Shaheer, J. Civera, and H. V. Advanced “Situational Graphs for Robot Navigation in Structured Indoor Environments
  12. H. Li, Z. Li, N. U. Akmandor, H. Jiang, Y. Wang, and T. Padir “StereoVoxelNet: Real-Time Obstacle Detection Based on Occupancy Voxels From a Stereo Camera Using Deep Neural Networks
  13. J. Horyna, V. Kratky, E. Ferrante, and M. Saska “Cooperative State Estimation Approach for Group of UAVs in Plain Environments”
  14. T. G. Chen, K. A. W. Hoffmann, J. E. Low, K. Nagami, D. Lentink and M. R. Cutkosky, “Aerial Grasping and the Velocity Sufficiency Region


Autonomous robots can help humans in complex or dangerous tasks such as search and rescue and monitoring in indoor and outdoor environments. As the recent COVID-19 outbreak has further highlighted, autonomous robots can solve a range of time-sensitive problems including logistics (delivery/handling of contaminated waste), reconnaissance (monitoring quarantine compliance), and disinfection of critical areas. These time-sensitive tasks, robots must navigate with agility in uncertain, complex, dynamic, extreme, and cluttered environments. The agile navigation problem is extremely challenging considering that the weight, power, and size constraints often impose severe algorithm and hardware design constraints. This aspect becomes even more critical once multiple robots are concurrently deployed in collaborative missions where coordination mechanisms often require sharing substantial amount of information between the agents.


This workshop brings together researchers from several heterogeneous robotics communities such as aerial, legged, ground, space robotics and autonomous vehicles to study and discuss scientific approaches for agile autonomous robots’ navigation across air, space, ground, and off-terrain domains. Most of the previous workshops  did not consider the design and interplay of perception, learning, planning, and control models and algorithms to push navigation agility of different types of robots deployed in several domains as well as robots’ collaboration abilities. Understanding the underlying perception, learning, and control algorithms on robots with complementary characteristics is of fundamental importance to be able to identify general purpose computation efficient solutions for agile navigation as well as to understand how to exploit the different type of robots’ characteristics to concurrently enhance their collaboration, coordination, agility, and speed up complex tasks in several domains.

Topics of interest to this workshop include, but are not necessarily limited to:

  • Visionary ideas for agile autonomy of ground, legged, space, and aerial vehicles
  • Learning for control and navigation
  • Agile autonomous navigation, transportation, and manipulation with ground, legged, and aerial vehicles
  • Agile visual control and state estimation
  • SLAM
  • Sensor fusion
  • Motion planning
  • Obstacle avoidance
  • Modeling and benchmarking of performances for three-dimensional navigation
  • Cooperative estimation and control with multiple robots
  • Search and rescue robotics


Giuseppe Loianno
New York University
Davide Scaramuzza
University of Zurich
Shaojie Shen

This workshop is endorsed by the IEEE RAS TC on Aerial Robotics and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, IEEE Technical Committee on Computer and Robot Vision, and the IEEE Technical Committee on Algorithms for Planning and Control of Robot Motion