CURRENT: Postdocs | PhD Students | Research Associates and Students

PREVIOUS: Postdocs | PhD Students | Research Assistants | Undergraduates

J_Winawer_NYU-150x150 Jonathan Winawer, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Psychology and Neural Science
jonathan.winawer – at –
Bio | Google Scholar | Github | PubMed | CV |


yuasa-120x150 Kenichi Yuasa, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Researcher and Visiting Scholar, Department of Psychology
ken.yuasa – at –
himmelberg_people Marc Himmelberg, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Psychology
marc.himmelberg – at –
Google Scholar | GitHub | Website
Jan-1 Jan Kurzawski, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Psychology
jk7127 – at –

PhD students

Rania Ezzo
Graduate Student, Department of Psychology
rania.ezzo – at –
UMH147_Ambassadeur-12-1-copy Ekin Tünçok, MSc
Graduate Student, Department of Psychology
et2160 – at –
download-300x245 Rob Woodry
Graduate Student, Department of Psychology
rfw256 – at –

Jiyeong Ha, M.A.
Graduate Student, Department of Psychology
jiyeong.ha- at –

Helen Hu
Graduate Student, Department of Psychology
fh986- at –

Research Associates and Non-doctoral Students

Zelin (Linda) Zhao
Honors Candidate in Psychology (Class of 2024)
zz3130 – at –

Qiutan (Leo) Li
Honors Candidate in Psychology (Class of 2024)
ql2012 – at –

Olivia Duan
NYU Psychology major (Class of 2026)
oxd1 – at –

Previous lab members

Previous Postdocs

Ilona Bloem, Ph.D.
Previous: Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Psychology
Next: Postdoctoral Researcher at the Spinoza Centre for Neuroimaging at Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience
Google Scholar | Website
Noah C. Benson, Ph.D.
Previous: Research Scientist, Department of Psychology
Next: Research Scientist at the eScience Institute at U Washington
Iris_cropped_small_noshoulders Iris Groen, Ph.D.
Previous: Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Psychology
Next: Faculty of Science of the University of Amsterdam And a Carolina MacGillavry fellowship to boot.
Google Scholar | GitHub | Website
picture_web_dora-1 Dora Hermes, Ph.D.
Previous: Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Psychology
Next: Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology and Biomedical Engineering, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN

Previous PhD Students

WilliamBroderick-portrait-cropped-150x150 Billy Broderick, Ph.D.
Previous: Graduate Student in Center for Neural Science
Next: Associate Data Scientist, Center for Computational Neuroscience, Flatiron Institute
Website | ORCID | GitHub
Eline-e1589469321652 Eline Kupers, M.S., Ph.D.
Previous: Graduate Student, Department of Psychology
Next: Postdoctoral fellow at Stanford Psychology’s VPNL lab
LinkedIn| Github | Website
serra-150x150 Serra Favila, Ph.D.
Previous: Graduate Student, Department of Psychology
Next: Postdoctoral fellow at Columbia University
Google Scholar | Website
40167786_311309823011497_823836733815652352_n-286x300 Jingyang Zhou, Ph.D.
Previous: Graduate Student, Department of Psychology
Next: Postdoctoral Fellow at NYU in the Simoncelli lab
GitHub | CV
selfie-150x150 Catherine Olsson, M.Phil., M.Eng.
Previous: Graduate Student in Center for Neural Science
Next: Senior Program Associate at Open Philanthropy Project
LinkedIn | Github

Former Research Associates

Bogeng Song
Previous: Master’s Student, Psychology (Class of 2023)
Next: OSU, Research Associate

Ashley Feng
Previous: Undergraduate Student, Center for Neural Science (Class of 2022)
Next: Data analyst at NYU Langone
20181112_183327-e1560538886503 Stephanie Montenegro Previous: Laboratory Associate Next: Research coordinator at NYU Langone School of Medicine
mai-1 Mai Nguyen, M.S. Previous: Lab manager, 2013-2014 Next: Princeton University, PhD program

Former Undergraduates

Brenda Qiu
Previous: Honors in Psychology, NYU (Class of 2023)
Next: PhD program in Psychology at U Washington
IMG_1474-e1519594870364-150x150 Silvia Choi, B.S. Previous: Undergraduate researcher, Psychology, 2015-2016, Visiting Scholar, Department of Psychology, 2016-2017 Next: Seoul National University, School of Medicine
Nicholas-150x150 Nicholas Chua, B.S. Previous: Undergraduate researcher, Center for Neural Science, 2014-2015 Next: Research Analyst, CCB, Flatiron Institute

First lab outing after Covid-19 shut down most of New York City. Rooftop garden at Il Buco Alimentari & Vineria. Great Jones St.
Lab outing to New York’s “Museum of Illusions” in December 2018. From left to right: Serra, Hope, Antoine, Stephanie (in front), Iris, Noah, Eline, Jon, Billy.
Celebrating a lab outing to Mission Escape Games in March 2015. From left to right and back to front: Elias, Joe, Noah, Weiji, Jonathan, Jing, Catherine, and Eline.