Why Every Planner Should Watch Ikiru by Akira Kurosawa

(This piece includes major spoilers for the film’s plot.) Many urban planners, myself included, put Japanese planning on a pedestal of sorts. Japan is known for its urbanist achievements from efficient high-speed trains to delightful mixed-use neighborhoods of alleyways with tiny stores below compact residences (illegal to build in most of the United States, never… Read more Why Every Planner Should Watch Ikiru by Akira Kurosawa

Tactical Urbanism: tangible and innovative ways to spark urban joy

Seattle Design Festival by Trevor Dykstra (flickr) Cities across the world use tactical urbanism to create engaging and active streetscapes. Reclaiming streets for pedestrians; activating parks and plazas with sculptures, seating, and plants; and making room for urban play — these are just some ways that urban design can spark joy. These action-oriented approaches are… Read more Tactical Urbanism: tangible and innovative ways to spark urban joy

Tactical Urbanism

by Bibiana Guerra Much is said about quantitative deficits and little about qualitative ones. It is true, quantities matter and are crucial to meet the needs of housing, infrastructure, and public space, among other topics. However, the coverage of this equipment has already reached very high figures that now the concern has turned towards its… Read more Tactical Urbanism