Farewell and a new beginning from your Wagner Planner editors – Jake Mericle, Emily Speelman, and Calley Wang

Dear Readers, It has been a pleasure to publish and edit the Wagner Planner this year. This is the first year the Planner has had a team of co-editors, and we’re delighted to carry on our student publication’s long-standing tradition. When we started, we had a vision of being a platform that represented the diverse… Read more Farewell and a new beginning from your Wagner Planner editors – Jake Mericle, Emily Speelman, and Calley Wang

Putting a Queens Park Project on the Right Track

Guest contributor Jeremy Espenshade explores a way forward for both a linear park and rail service on the abandoned Rockaway Beach Branch. This piece was corrected on 5/8/2024 to fix some typos, attributions, and the correct length of the proposed QueensLink rail project. Inspecting a satellite map of Queens, you may notice two slices of… Read more Putting a Queens Park Project on the Right Track

Navigating Colonial Challenges: The State of Public Transit in San Juan

 The promises and peril for transit expansion in Puerto Rico Photo by: Gian Cordero Last month in San Juan, after a week of free service, the Director of the Integrated Transit Authority of Puerto Rico (ATI) announced that the system saw a 26% increase in patronage, demonstrating that when the public perceives a public transit… Read more Navigating Colonial Challenges: The State of Public Transit in San Juan

Selling Transit Dreams

Why transit agencies and advocates should learn from car ads to make planning less contentious Image credit: GO Transit Adam Gopnik writes that transit advocacy in the US lacks the same “passionate constituency aroused by cars and by bicycles,” with most people willing to “settle for Chinatown buses and carpools and shuttle planes,” for example,… Read more Selling Transit Dreams