Mayor Adams cut the parks budget when we need green space more than ever

Parks are a basic necessity for our health, but some residents have greater access than others New York Post Mayor Adams has failed to follow through on his pledge to increase the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation budget to 1% of the city operating budget. He actually cut $63 million from the… Read more Mayor Adams cut the parks budget when we need green space more than ever

Kathy Hochul needs to show she’s serious about housing affordability

The governor has now beaten two Long Island NIMBYs – and should govern like it The Real Deal Two Long Island congressmen, Tom Suozzi and Lee Zeldin, ran against Governor Kathy Hochul in the 2022 elections. They both opposed common-sense policies to affordably house New Yorkers and lost. Now, Hochul ought to govern with the… Read more Kathy Hochul needs to show she’s serious about housing affordability

Evictions are on the rise yet again in New York City

The number of evictions occurring in NYC has increased every month in 2022 Across the United States, communities are facing a housing affordability crisis. This crisis is especially acute in New York City, where economic inequality has been widening for years as economic growth for the top income earners has been coupled with stagnating wages,… Read more Evictions are on the rise yet again in New York City