About The Wagner Planner

The Wagner Planner is an independent student journal of the Urban Planning Student Association (UPSA) at the Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service at New York University.

The Wagner Planner serves as a platform where students and alumni share their scholarly research, commentary on current urban planning discussions and policy issues, and exchange best practices and lessons from their personal and professional experience in planning and policy work.  In partnership with UPSA, the Wagner Planner works to add to students’ graduate experience by offering opportunities for robust inquiry, participation, and engagement.

The Urban Planning Student Association (UPSA) is a student-run organization whose mission is to help students develop a deeper appreciation and understanding of various planning issues. 

UPSA provides quality lectures and programming, which reflect the interests of students while introducing them to new ideas.  It also strives to improve and raise the profile of Wagner’s Urban Planning Program within the school and among other planning schools. It welcomes all students to participate in the organization and seeks to collaborate with other student groups to provide the best possible opportunities for all Wagner students.

UPSA’s weekly newsletter, MasterPlan, keeps its student and alumni community informed with the latest UPSA / urban planning events, job opportunities, resources, and more.  If interested, sign up to be part of its distribution list by completing this form.

The Puck Building, home of NYU Wagner

NYU’s Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service prepares public service leaders to translate ideas into actions that have an effective and lasting impact on the public good. Its faculty’s research changes the way people frame, understand, and act on important public issues. NYU Wagner provides its students with critical skills, access to all that New York City has to offer, and a deep understanding of context surrounding public service challenges—which they use to improve cities and communities across the globe.

Since 1938, NYU Wagner has been educating the world’s future public service leaders.

It offers:

To learn more about NYU Wagner go to https://wagner.nyu.edu/.

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