Hello Again

This semester, students will learn how to draw supply and demand curves, read and design a budget, and interpret the value of “p”. Yet very few of us will graduate as economists, accountants, or statisticians. That is because the power of urban planning is more than numbers, graphs, and maps alone.

Planners derive their power from storytelling.

Like many of you, I came to Wagner envisioning a different story. Was I angry that 80% of bus stops in my city lack shelters to huddle under in the rain, or benches to sit when tired? No. I was angry because I believe we should design for children and the elderly, not cars and parking lots. The demand for planners who can convey these inevitably clashing ideals has never been higher.

Since 2001, the Wagner Planner has been a platform for students to exercise their storytelling skills. This academic year, we’re adapting this platform to provide more value for students than ever before. Here’s what we’d like you to be a part of:

          Expanded opportunities to write about your passion. What do you keep coming back to? Remediating toxic brownfields into a neighborhood park? Planning a more diverse economy to bring jobs back to your hometown? We want to hear about it.

          Weekly “roundups” of articles you care about. Whether its transportation, housing, economic development, international development, or Big Data, we’ve got you covered. 

          Original interviews with urban planning professionals. Still not sure about your niche? Each month, we’ll interview a practitioner from the public, private, or nonprofit sector so you can get a better idea about what it’s like to do the thing you’re studying.

If you’re interested in being a part of this new student voice, please fill out this form by October 7th. Staff role descriptions and guidelines are here. After a week of considering applications, we’ll bring staff on board.

If you’re interested in submitting, but don’t want to write once per month, no problem. Send an email to bml318@nyu.edu and the Wagner Planner’s assistant editor, Mayelly Moreno, at mm172@nyu.edu. We’ll work with you to get you published. 

If you’re interested in following the Wagner Planner for weekly content, please subscribe to the Wagner MasterPlan weekly newsletter or follow the UPSA page on Facebook here.

Join us in telling the story of cities. It’s what we’re here to do.

Yours truly,

Brendan Latimer, MUP 2020

Editor-in-Chief, Wagner Planner

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