2020 Capstone Spotlight (Week 5): Castle Village || 10-Year Sustainability Master Plan

Abstract: Castle Village, a five-building cooperative located in the Washington Heights neighborhood of Manhattan, is seeking to become an overall more environmentally sustainable campus. This intention was prompted by New York City’s Local Law 33, which states that property owners will be required to display building energy scores beginning 2020, and Local Law 84, which will begin charging fines to properties that do not meet established greenhouse gas emission targets.

It is therefore Castle Village’s responsibility to seek solutions to obtain the highest energy scores possible for its buildings and meet energy targets to avoid financial penalties, while maintaining its duty of providing high quality living to its residents.

With the help of CVC Green Consultants, strategies to meet these goals will be presented through a 10-year sustainability master plan that determines the most appropriate strategies to reduce energy use-related carbon gas emissions, and identifies their corresponding implementation steps thereafter.

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