A Letter from the Editor

By: Charley Cohen

To you, the readers, 

First and foremost, welcome! I am very excited to get the new year of the Planner started, although our work has been going on behind the scenes for the past month or so. This year, we have six new writers – Aisha Balogun, Alex Bernabe, Mackenna Caughron, Patrick Spauster, Luke Walsh, and Stephen Zubrycky – as well as three returning writers – Ben Listman, Samantha Sรกnchez, and Winnie Shen – on staff. What I love about this group is how dedicated they are to not only their education and academic pursuits, but also their commitment to storytelling. From different backgrounds and  different areas of focus, all of the staff writers have eagerly shown they want to discuss and write clearly about their ideas to a large audience. It is very hard to talk about topics of such a niche like urban planning, but I am very confident that they will educate and inspire their readers.

This year, our team decided that our two biggest goals were: (1) focus on topics regarding current events in the Urban Planning space and collaborate on topics where we can and (2) to expand our forms of content beyond  op-ed pieces. we will have some new forms of content coming out in 2022: from new data visualizations to our podcast! So stay tuned for that! We will also be launching a newsletter as content comes out, there will be our material, as well as some interesting other articles in the Planning world. If you would like to sign up, click HERE

With having such a large and experienced team of writers, we will grow from working together, writing and editing together, and discussing our topics of interest to not only educate ourselves but you, the reader. I am honored to be leading this team, and so excited for what we will bring you this year. Please reach out to us if you have any comments, and  follow us on Twitter and Facebook

With gratitude, 


Cover Image Source: SustainibityX Magazine 

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