The Amtrak President: Joe Biden and the Rail Revolution

by Charley Cohen

Joe Biden has been elected to serve as the next President of the United States. There is one (of probably many) federally owned-and-operated service that is thrilled to soon see the 46th President take hold of the Oval Office: Amtrak. The National Railroad Passenger Corporation, which does its business under the Amtrak name, has already posted a statement about working with the Biden administration. Creating new jobs in the renewable and clean energy fields and rebuilding America’s physical infrastructure were two principles of his presidential campaign. Now, as the conductor of the train that is the United States, Joe Biden, and Amtrak can do great things together. 

They call him “Amtrak Joe” for a reason. The now famous story of the Senator from Delaware taking the two-hour train between Washington DC to Wilmington to tuck his children to sleep every night is intertwined with the President-elect’s personal narrative. In his first presidential run in 1988 he kick-started his campaign on the back of an Amtrak car. His story riding the rails is not just a personal story, it is the American story. The history of the nation has been built along the rails: from the westward expansion and the Transcendental Railroad to the rail tycoons like William Vanderbilt to Richard Nixon’s nationalizing the passenger rail system in the 1970s to save the industry. Now, in this new decade of the 21st century, it is time for another rail revolution. 

Image:  In October, then Vice-President Biden campaigning in Ohio with an Amtrak train behind him. (AP)

The rail revolution will benefit all Americans, both rural and urban dwellers. We all benefit from better infrastructure and transit – from major investments in the community, green technology making the air cleaner, and allowing travelers to commute great distances with ease. On the Biden transition website, under his policies to address climate change, the new administration promises to address the need for clean transit with “federal investments with strong labor protections that create good, union jobs and meet the needs of these cities.” As the pandemic ravages the nation, cities will be glad to see a President who wants to invest in the future and to connect us once we can all safely do so. But the President-elect is not the only one with plans for the rail revolution, Amtrak has laid out the groundwork for a future vision of the American rail.

Amtrak 2050, while written in 2019 in a pre-COVID time, lays out the future of the American traveler: inter-city travel within corridors but seeing the need for slashing transportation’s carbon footprint. Between 2013-2019, 83% of all Amtrak riders had short distance rides (defined as rides 250 miles or fewer). This comes out to be around 25 million train riders a year. Transportation is vital, but currently it is the number one contributor to greenhouse emissions, spewing out 30% of the total carbon usage in the country. While it will be vital to invest in new airports and electric vehicles, rail provided the cleanest and safest form of transportation. Amtrak is ready to think forward. 

Image: Amtrak’s Route in 2019 along with major metropolitan areas in the US (Amtrak)

It may be hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but a new dawn is coming. Joe Biden has to prove to the nation and to the world, he is ready to Build Back Better. The history of this country is intertwined with the creation and expansion of railroads, and the next Administration is ready to roll out trains that will help combat climate change and revive the economy for America’s cities and towns. 

They call him “Amtrak Joe” for a reason. 


Cover Image Source: Darryl Young Post

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